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发布时间:2018-05-23 10:05

  本文选题:科技时代 + 师资建设 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当今社会已进入科技时代,科技发展日新月异,以空前的深度、广度影响着人类社会,大至国家间综合国力的竞争,小至一个家庭的柴、米、油、盐都离不开科技。科学技术的发展关键在于人才,人才的培养又取决于教育的发展,因此,一个国家高校人才的培养,师资队伍的建设理应被摆在更为关键性的位置。 改革开放以来,我国加大了对教育的重视与投入,我国的教育也得到了极为迅速的发展,由此,高等院校人才培养与师资建设也取得了长足的进步,,但我们在肯定成绩的同时,我们也应该看到高校的人才培养、师资建设还存在着不少的问题,这些问题制约着我国高校人才的培养,在科技时代背景下,不利于综合国力的竞争。因此,分析总结我国高校人才培养、师资队伍建设的经验教训,找出存在的问题,提出切实可行的解决方案,已成为我国需要迫切解决的问题。 论文主要分为三个部分: 第一部分:科技时代下高校人才培养与师资队伍建设关系概述。在这里主要论述科技发展对人才培养与师资队伍建设的积极作用,科技异化对师资队伍建设的消极作用,师资队伍建设对科技发展、人才培养的重要意义。 第二部分:我国高校师资队伍建设的现状与原因分析。本章在阐述了高校人才培养现状和存在问题的基础上,从多方面分析了制约师资建设的因素,为寻找解决问题的路径做好铺垫。 第三部分:我国高校师资建设的有效路径。本章从政府、高校、教师三个主体出发,多管齐下寻找解决师资建设的有效路径,指出政府要以科学发展观引领人才培养与师资建设的方向;学校要充分发挥师资建设主体的作用;教师要自主自律不断提高自身整体素质,使师资队伍日臻完善,为中国特色社会主义建设培养出思想道德素质高、专业能力强、兼具创新意识、环保意识的高素质人才,做出应有的贡献。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the society has entered the era of science and technology, and the development of science and technology is changing with each passing day. It affects the human society with unprecedented depth and breadth, from the competition of comprehensive national strength among countries to the small family's firewood, rice, oil and salt all cannot be separated from science and technology. The key to the development of science and technology lies in the talents, and the cultivation of talents depends on the development of education. Therefore, the cultivation of talents in a country's colleges and universities and the construction of the teaching staff should be placed in a more critical position. Since the reform and opening up, our country has increased the attention and input to education, and the education of our country has also got extremely rapid development. As a result, great progress has been made in the cultivation of talents and the construction of teachers in colleges and universities, but at the same time, we have affirmed our achievements. We should also see that there are still many problems in the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities. These problems restrict the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities in our country. Under the background of the times of science and technology, these problems are not conducive to the competition of comprehensive national strength. Therefore, it has become an urgent problem to analyze and summarize the experience and lessons of talent training and teacher team construction, to find out the existing problems, and to put forward feasible solutions. The thesis is divided into three parts: The first part: the relationship between talent training and faculty construction in science and technology era. This paper mainly discusses the positive effect of the development of science and technology on the cultivation of talents and the construction of the teaching staff. The second part: the present situation and the reason analysis of the construction of the teaching staff in colleges and universities in our country. On the basis of expounding the present situation and existing problems of talent training in colleges and universities, this chapter analyzes the factors restricting the construction of teachers from many aspects, and lays the groundwork for finding the way to solve the problems. The third part: the effective path of teachers construction in colleges and universities in China. This chapter from the government, universities, teachers of the three main body, multi-pronged to find a solution to the effective path of teacher building, pointing out that the government should take the scientific development concept to lead the direction of talent training and teacher building; Schools should give full play to the role of teachers as the main body of teacher building, teachers should constantly improve their overall quality by self-discipline, make the teaching staff more and more perfect, and cultivate high ideological and moral quality and strong professional ability for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Both innovative consciousness, environmental awareness of high-quality personnel, to make due contributions.


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