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发布时间:2018-05-23 10:42

  本文选题:大学融入 + 教育文化 ; 参考:《广东外语外贸大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:鉴于目前赴法留学的中国学生日益增多,我们开展这项研究,旨在分析中国留学生在法国高校的学习适应情况。 本文以教育文化、大学融入与身份的相关理论为依托,以综合了访谈法与口述历史的网络定性调查为途径,以20名毕业于国内大学各专业、现留学法国已经一年的中国大学生为研究对象,剖析受访者在法国高校学习过程中所遇到的三大主要困难及其原因,并对中法两国不同的教育文化进行了对比分析。我们发现大多数受访的中国留学生在逐步适应法国高校学习生活的过程中,对法国高等教育有了更加客观和全面的认识,同时在身份重构上有了很大的进步。在此研究基础上,我们分别向中国教育机构、教师和学生提出相关建议,,以期能够更好地帮助中国留学生融入法国高校的学习文化。
[Abstract]:In view of the increasing number of Chinese students studying in France, the purpose of this study is to analyze the learning adaptation of Chinese students in French universities. Based on the theories of education and culture, university integration and identity, and the network qualitative investigation of interview method and oral history, this paper is based on 20 graduates from domestic universities. Chinese college students who have been studying in France for one year are the subjects of this study. The three major difficulties encountered by the interviewees in the process of studying in French colleges and universities and their causes are analyzed, and the different educational cultures between China and France are compared and analyzed. We find that most of the Chinese students interviewed have a more objective and comprehensive understanding of higher education in France and have made great progress in identity reconstruction in the process of gradually adapting to the study and life of French universities. On the basis of this research, we put forward some suggestions to Chinese educational institutions, teachers and students in order to help Chinese students to integrate into the learning culture of French universities.


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