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发布时间:2018-05-23 14:18

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 非智力因素 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展、时代的变迁,素质教育已经成为各高校教育的重点。素质教育要求各高校在教育过程中不仅要注重培养大学生智力、脑力、体力等智力因素的发展,而且还要注重培养大学生个性、情绪、兴趣、意志、注意力等非智力因素的发展。然而,我国应试教育的影响根深蒂固,受应试教育的影响,各高校在思想政治教育过程中往往重视对大学生智力、脑力等智力因素的培养,而忽视对大学生个性、情绪、兴趣、意志、注意力等非智力因素的培养。这往往会导致两种结果:首先,教育者通常会过于重视思想政治教育的社会价值和社会功能,而忽视对大学生个性、性格等的培养;其次,教育者对受教育者所采取的教育方法往往是一味的外在灌输,不能够引起受教育者内心的强烈共鸣。这也是各高校长期以来思想政治教育效果不理想的原因之一。 素质教育的提出,要求各高校在思想政治教育过程中改革传统的教育方法和教育内容。鉴于此,本文的第一部分详细介绍了该论文的研究目的、研究意义、研究内容和研究方法,,分析、研究了国内外关于非智力因素的研究现状及研究成果。第二部分对非智力因素的涵义以及非智力因素与智力因素的区别和联系等进行了简单概述。第三部分详细阐述了培养大学生非智力因素对高校思想政治教育工作的意义,其中包括对教育者、受教育者以及教育过程的意义。第四部分通过分析调查问卷的数据和内容,提出大学生非智力因素的现状、存在的问题并找出其存在问题的原因。第五部分通过对大学生非智力因素存在问题的分析、研究,创造性地提出在思想政治教育过程中对大学生进行非智力因素培养的可行性途径。
[Abstract]:With the development of society and the change of times, quality-oriented education has become the focus of higher education. Quality education requires colleges and universities to pay attention not only to the development of mental factors such as intelligence, brain and physical strength, but also to personality, emotion, interest and will of college students in the process of education. The development of non-intellectual factors such as attention. However, the influence of examination-oriented education is deeply rooted in our country. Under the influence of exam-oriented education, colleges and universities often attach importance to the cultivation of intellectual factors such as intelligence and mental ability of college students in the process of ideological and political education, while neglecting the personality, emotion and interest of college students. The cultivation of non-intellectual factors such as will, attention, etc. This often leads to two results: first, educators usually pay too much attention to the social value and social function of ideological and political education, while neglecting the cultivation of college students' personality and character. The educational method adopted by educatee is always external indoctrination, which can not arouse the strong resonance of the educatee. This is one of the reasons why ideological and political education in colleges and universities has not been ideal for a long time. Quality education requires colleges and universities to reform traditional educational methods and contents in the process of ideological and political education. In view of this, the first part of this paper introduces in detail the research purpose, research significance, research content and research methods, analysis, research status quo and research results of non-intelligence factors at home and abroad. In the second part, the meaning of non-intelligence factor and the difference and relation between non-intelligence factor and intelligence factor are briefly summarized. The third part elaborates the significance of cultivating college students' non-intelligence factors to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities, including the significance of educators, educatees and the process of education. In the fourth part, by analyzing the data and contents of the questionnaire, the author points out the present situation of non-intelligence factors of college students, the existing problems and the reasons for the problems. In the fifth part, through the analysis of the problems existing in the non-intellectual factors of college students, the author creatively puts forward the feasible ways to cultivate the non-intellectual factors in the process of ideological and political education.


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