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发布时间:2018-05-23 15:02

  本文选题:大学生 + 责任意识 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are the hope of the motherland, the future of the nation, and the main force of Chinese Dream to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, college students should not only consolidate their basic professional knowledge and skills, but also enhance their high sense of responsibility. At present, the responsibility consciousness of college students in our country is positive and healthy, but there are still some college students' responsibility consciousness desalination or even lack. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to strengthen the education of college students'sense of responsibility. Based on the study of a large number of documents, this paper further analyzes and summarizes the present situation of college students' responsibility consciousness, and probes into the causes of the weakening of college students' responsibility consciousness and the ways to educate college students' responsibility consciousness by using the method of empirical investigation. The emphasis and innovation of this study lies in the exploration of ways to enhance the education of college students' responsibility consciousness. The difficulty is to investigate and analyze the factors that affect the formation and development of college students' responsibility consciousness. The text of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part summarizes the education of college students' responsibility consciousness, first of all, defines the meaning of "responsibility", "responsibility consciousness" and "college students' responsibility consciousness education". Secondly, it clarifies the basic content of college students' responsibility consciousness, including the four dimensions of self-responsibility consciousness, family responsibility consciousness, social responsibility consciousness and national responsibility consciousness. Finally, the value of contemporary college students' responsibility consciousness education is analyzed. The second part, carries on the empirical research to the contemporary university student's responsibility consciousness present situation. The empirical investigation and analysis show that the mainstream of contemporary college students' responsibility consciousness is worthy of recognition, but there is also the problem of lack of responsibility consciousness. The first is that college students have unbalanced sense of responsibility on different issues, that is, they have a strong sense of personal, family responsibility, on the contrary, in society, the sense of responsibility of the state is weak; Second, there is a disconnection between knowledge and action in the sense of responsibility of college students, which is easy to understand and difficult to do. The third part deeply analyzes the factors that affect the formation and development of college students' responsibility consciousness. Through investigation and analysis of the influencing factors including four aspects: the negative impact of the social environment, school responsibility awareness education is weak, the neglect of family responsibility awareness education, the limitations of college students' own development, and so on. In the fourth part, based on the current situation of college students' responsibility consciousness and the influence on the formation and development of college students' responsibility consciousness, the author puts forward the countermeasures and path choice to strengthen the education of college students' responsibility consciousness. From the aspects of optimizing the social environment, strengthening the school education, optimizing the family environment, and strengthening the self-education of the college students, the author makes some pertinent and feasible countermeasures.


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