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发布时间:2018-05-25 04:15

  本文选题:意识形态 + 网络渗透 ; 参考:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:第三次科技革命的互联网信息技术的发展为人类社会带来了翻天覆地的变化。以美国为首的西方发达国家掌控网络技术优势,他们利用当今世界全球化的发展,国与国之间的交往日益密切,国家间不同意识形态相互摩擦和碰撞增多,他们不断的向世界渗透资本主义意识形态。西方发达国家通过网络不断的宣传他们的各种思想观念和意识形态,提出所谓的“民主”、“自由”和“人权”。 中国作为最大的社会主义发展中国家,成为了西方国家渗透的重点目标。他们利用高校大学生思想活跃、求知欲强、容易接受新鲜事物的特点,把高校作为意识形态渗透的重点对象,给中国高校大学生的意识形态造成了很大的影响。在西方意识形态网络渗透背景下,我国高校意识形态安全受到冲击,,马克思主义意识形态的主导地位受到严峻的挑战。我国必须加强社会主义意识形态的建设,维护社会主义的和谐与稳定。 本文主要由五部分构成。第一部分为绪论,简要阐述课题的选题背景、课题的研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究的主要内容和研究方法。第二部分主要是对概念进行界定,意识形态、意识形态安全、意识形态渗透及意识形态网络渗透。第三部分重点阐述当前西方意识形态网络渗透的现状,他们选择高校渗透的原因。第四部分主要分析我国高校意识形态安全现状,利益的多元化、网络的普及、经济全球化和市场经济对高校意识形态安全产生影响。第五部分阐述在西方意识形态网络渗透背景下,我们要加强和改进高校意识形态安全的对策建设,坚持马克思主义意识形态的网络主导地位,加强高校网络文化软硬件建设。
[Abstract]:The development of Internet information technology in the third technological revolution has brought about earth-shaking changes for human society. Western developed countries, led by the United States, control the advantages of network technology. They take advantage of the development of globalization in today's world. As a result, exchanges between countries are getting closer and closer, and the friction and collision between different ideologies among countries are increasing. They constantly infiltrate capitalist ideology into the world. Western developed countries constantly propagate their ideas and ideologies through the network, proposing so-called "democracy", "freedom" and "human rights". As the largest socialist developing country, China has become the key target of the infiltration of western countries. They make use of the characteristics of active ideology, strong desire for knowledge, and easy to accept the new things. They regard colleges and universities as the key objects of ideological infiltration, which have a great influence on the ideology of college students in China. Under the background of western ideological network penetration, the ideological security of colleges and universities in China has been impacted, and the leading position of Marxist ideology has been severely challenged. China must strengthen the construction of socialist ideology and maintain socialist harmony and stability. This paper is mainly composed of five parts. The first part is the introduction, briefly describes the background of the topic, the significance of the research, domestic and foreign research status, the main content of the study and research methods. The second part is to define the concept, ideological security, ideological penetration and ideological network penetration. The third part focuses on the current situation of ideological network penetration in the West, and the reasons for their choice of infiltration in colleges and universities. The fourth part mainly analyzes the present situation of ideological security in colleges and universities in China, the diversification of interests, the popularization of network, the economic globalization and the market economy, which have an impact on the ideological security of colleges and universities. The fifth part expounds that under the background of western ideological network penetration, we should strengthen and improve the construction of ideological security in colleges and universities, adhere to the dominant position of Marxist ideology on the network, and strengthen the construction of software and hardware of network culture in colleges and universities.


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