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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:21

  本文选题:新自由主义 + 高校治理 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:上世纪70年代,新自由主义在英美等国兴起并对其政治经济以及社会领域产生了深远的影响,而这一过程与我国从计划经济体制走向市场经济体制这一社会经济体制转变过程有着一定的相似性。同时,社会经济体制的变革必然会对高等教育领域产生影响。自20世纪80年代以来,西方发达国家以及正在转型的发展中国家所进行的一轮又一轮的高等教育改革,基本上都是以新自由主义理论为指导原则。而在这其中,作为新自由主义的倡导先锋,英国对大学治理模式的改革又具有一定的代表性。因此,本文通过采用文献分析、比较研究等方式,旨在对新自由主义背景F英国大学治理模式所产生的变化进行研究,并总结其治理经验以及所存在的问题,希望能够帮助我们借鉴国外改革的经验,并规避新自由主义带给我国高校治理方面的风险,进而对新时期我国高校的治理模式带来启示 自20世纪30年代开始,来源于古典主义的新自由主义,便作为当代一个重要的经济学派而逐渐兴起,并在五六十年代有了较大的发展。新自主义是古典自由主义在新时期历史条件下的发展,它主张限制国家干预,并充分发挥市场机制。英国的撒切尔政府和美国的里根政府作为新自由主义的倡导先锋,率先在本国的经济和社会领域实行了一系列的改革。而作为影响整个时代经济社会发展的意识形态的新自由主义,必然也对大学产生重要的影响。通过研究可以发现,传统上英国大学以自治理念为根本,大学与外部社会的联系较少,英国政府给予大学最大限度的自治权力,大学是由学者们组成的相对分散的学术组织,教授们享受较大的自主权。而在新自由主义冲击下,大学治理模式发生了很大的变化。政府通过削减对英国大学的财政拨款,力求从宏观管理层面对大学进行干预和控制,而大学内部的管理方式也受到相应的影响,开始讲求专业化的管理,具有商业背景的管理者开始进入大学,学者们的管理权限集中与学术事务上,学术与行政的权责划分更加明确。另外,在新自由主义思潮的冲击下,高校治理模式的改革也为高等教育领域带来了许多问题,包括学术人员的权力被弱化,学术本位的治理理念被弱化,市场化竞争模式导致了资源分配的不均等。对这些问题的规避,也是我国高校在完善治理模式的过程中所必须注意到的。
[Abstract]:In the 1970s, neoliberalism rose in countries such as the United States and had a profound impact on its political, economic and social fields. This process is similar to that of our country from the planned economy system to the market economy system. At the same time, the transformation of the social economic system will inevitably have an impact on the field of higher education. Since the eighties of the 20th century, the western developed countries and the developing countries in transition have carried out round after round of higher education reform, which is basically guided by the neoliberal theory. Among them, as the pioneer of neoliberalism, the reform of university governance mode in Britain has certain representativeness. Therefore, by means of literature analysis and comparative study, this paper aims to study the changes in the governance model of British universities under the background of neoliberalism, and summarize its governance experience and existing problems. It is hoped that it can help us learn from the experience of foreign reform and avoid the risks of neoliberalism in the governance of colleges and universities in our country, and thus bring enlightenment to the governance model of Chinese universities in the new period. Since the 1930s, neoliberalism, which originated from classicism, has gradually risen as an important economic school in contemporary times, and has developed greatly in the 1950s and 1960s. Neo-self-ism is the development of classical liberalism under the new historical conditions. It advocates restricting state intervention and giving full play to market mechanism. As the pioneer of neoliberalism, the Thatcher Administration of England and the Reagan Administration of America carried out a series of reforms in the economic and social fields. However, neoliberalism, as an ideology that influences the economic and social development of the whole era, must also have an important impact on universities. Through research, we can find that British universities are traditionally based on the concept of autonomy and have less connection with the outside society. The British government gives universities the maximum autonomy power, and universities are relatively decentralized academic organizations composed of scholars. Professors enjoy greater autonomy. However, under the impact of neoliberalism, great changes have taken place in the mode of university governance. By cutting financial allocations to British universities, the government sought to intervene and control the universities from the macro management level, and the internal management of the universities was affected accordingly, and began to focus on professional management. Managers with business background begin to enter universities, scholars' management authority and academic affairs are concentrated, and the division between academic and administrative powers and responsibilities is more clear. In addition, under the impact of the neoliberal trend of thought, the reform of university governance mode has brought many problems to the field of higher education, including the weakening of the power of academic personnel and the weakening of the governing concept of academic standard. The market competition mode leads to the unequal distribution of resources. To avoid these problems, colleges and universities in our country in the process of improving the governance model must pay attention to.


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