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发布时间:2018-05-25 03:08

  本文选题:高校 + 第二课堂 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人才是社会发展最大的建设力,如何培养人,培养什么样的人,关系到中华民族的伟大复兴,关系到未来中国的世界地位。长期以来,高校过分重视第一课堂的建设,重视学生的专业知识学习,而忽视第二课堂建设,忽视学生的实践能力、协作能力、适应能力、组织管理能力、自控能力、敬业精神等培养。当金融危机席卷全球,高校大学生的就业成为社会的焦点问题,我们应清醒认识当前不是就业岗位的减少,而是我们培养的人“适岗”能力弱。作为东北老工业基地的吉林省,实施科教兴省战略,需要强大科技创造人才支撑,这为吉林省高校的人才培养提供了难得机遇,但随着吉林省对应用型人才的需求日益增多,在高校中开展第二课堂的呼声渐高,仅仅以专业教学的方式培养人才,已经无法满足经济社会快速发展。同时,学生离开校园后面临日益激烈的社会竞争,也促使他产生提高自身全面素质的需要,也成为时代赋予高校的神圣使命。在吉林省的高校教育中,如何培养具有实践性和创造性的新一代大学生,服务地方经济建设,一直是一个不可回避的问题,也是许多教育工作者在不停思考的问题。高校的第二课堂作为培养专业人才的一个有效途径越来越引起重视,他的育人功能与作用不断凸显,高校对第二课堂育人模式的构建急待解决,构建一个与国情、省情发展相适应的第二课堂育人模式刻不容缓。 本论文试图通过对吉林省高校第二课堂现状的调查分析入手,通过研究,在理论层面形成支撑,通过对吉林省第二课堂建设的分析研究,对第二课堂发展建设中存在的问题进行科学剖析,从深层次提出问题,并探讨解决此问题的途径和方法,以期对吉林省高校人才培养提供有益的支持。 本文共分为四部分,第一部分是绪论,包括选题背景、意义,研究目的、方法,国内外研究现状,研究内容,创新之处;第二部是高校第二课堂育人模式构建的基本理论阐释;第三部分是吉林省高校第二课堂开展现状调查与问题分析,包括调研方案的设计、第二课堂现状调查结果、第二课堂建设的必要性;第四部分是吉林省高校第二课堂育人模式构建的对策。
[Abstract]:Talent is the greatest building power of social development. How to train people and what kind of people is related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the future world status of China. For a long time, colleges and universities have paid too much attention to the construction of the first class, to the study of students' professional knowledge, but to the construction of the second class, and to the students' practical ability, cooperation ability, adaptability, organization and management ability, self-control ability. Cultivate professionalism. When the financial crisis engulfs the whole world and the employment of college students becomes the focus of the society, we should clearly realize that the current situation is not the reduction of the number of jobs, but the weak ability of the people we train to "fit the post". Jilin Province, as an old industrial base in Northeast China, needs strong scientific and technological support to create talents, which provides a rare opportunity for the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities in Jilin Province. However, with the increasing demand for applied talents in Jilin Province, there is a growing demand for applied talents in Jilin Province. The voice of carrying out the second classroom in colleges and universities is getting higher and higher. It is impossible to meet the rapid development of economy and society only by the way of professional teaching. At the same time, after leaving the campus, students are faced with increasingly fierce social competition, which also urges them to improve their overall quality, which has become the sacred mission entrusted to colleges and universities by the times. In the higher education of Jilin Province, how to train a new generation of college students with practicality and creativity to serve the local economic construction has always been an unavoidable problem, and it is also a question that many educators are constantly thinking about. As an effective way to train professional talents, the second classroom in colleges and universities is paid more and more attention to, and its function and function of educating people are becoming more and more prominent. It is urgent for colleges and universities to solve the problem of constructing the second classroom education mode and to build a new one with the national conditions. It is urgent for the second classroom education mode to adapt to the development of provincial conditions. Through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of the second classroom in colleges and universities in Jilin Province, this thesis attempts to form a theoretical support through the analysis of the construction of the second classroom in Jilin Province. This paper makes a scientific analysis of the problems existing in the development and construction of the second classroom, puts forward the problems from a deep level, and probes into the ways and methods to solve this problem in order to provide beneficial support for the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities in Jilin Province. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction, including the background of the topic, significance, research purposes, methods, domestic and foreign research status, research content, innovation, the second part is the basic theoretical interpretation of the construction of the second classroom education model in colleges and universities; The third part is the investigation and problem analysis of the second classroom in Jilin Province, including the design of the investigation scheme, the survey results of the second classroom, and the necessity of the second classroom construction. The fourth part is the countermeasures of constructing the second classroom education mode in Jilin Province.


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