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发布时间:2018-05-25 02:42

  本文选题:书院 + 应天府书院 ; 参考:《河南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:书院是中国封建社会中期所出现的一种特殊的教育组织形式,它始于唐,盛于宋,对古代人才培养和社会教化发挥了巨大作用。其中,享有盛誉的应天府书院被誉为宋初四大书院之一,它是在后晋杨悫创办的南都学舍的基础上发展而来的,历经千年的发展,创造了诸多佳绩。本文在还原应天府书院历史沿革、院舍、藏书、经费来源等历史概貌的同时,主要着眼于对应天府书院教育活动方面的探讨,力图以史为鉴,古为今用,能为当今高等教育改革与发展提供一些可借鉴之处。 本文内容分为六个部分: 第一部分是对应天府书院书院产生的历史背景做简要分析,以便能更好地了解应天府书院创办的历史价值。应天府书院的产生有其特定的历史背景,主要是受宋初“右文”政策的引领,具体来说主要有:一是统治者对办理书院的积极提倡;二是诸多学者借助书院来治学授徒;三是书院依托理学获得快速发展。 第二部分针对应天府书院建筑布局及历史沿革,依据各种史料记载,以时间为基线,对这一千年学府的建筑及各个历史阶段发展的基本状况进行简要梳理,以全面呈现应天府书院的历史兴衰。 第三部分是对应天府书院的组织与管理情况的分析,内容包括书院的职事设置、经费筹措、藏书以及祭祀活动等方面。 第四部分主要是对应天府书院的教学活动,分别从教学目的和内容、教学方法及教学管理等方面来加以叙述。教学目的旨在培养经世致用之才,并以儒经及百科为教学内容,主要采取升堂讲授、学生自学与教师指导相结合、教师教学与科研相结合的教学方法。在招生上,主要是取消门户限制,,打破派别藩篱,通过戚同文及范仲淹所定学规加以佐证。 第五部分是对书院发展做出过重要贡献的名师诸如戚同文、范仲淹等,以及知名弟子诸如孙复、石介等进行简要介绍。 第六部分就应天府书院对后世的影响加以分析,包括学者对书院历史地位和作用的认可,文人通过碑记、诗文等对书院的赞美等。
[Abstract]:Academy of Classical Learning was a special form of educational organization which appeared in the middle period of feudal society in China. It began in Tang Dynasty and flourished in Song Dynasty, which played a great role in the cultivation of ancient talents and social education. Among them, Yingtianfu Academy, which enjoys high reputation, is regarded as one of the four academies in the early Song Dynasty. It was developed on the basis of the Nandu School which was founded by the late Jin Dynasty. After a thousand years of development, it has created many good achievements. This article, while restoring the historical history of Tianfu Academy, the institution, the collection of books, the source of funds, and so on, mainly focuses on the educational activities of Ying-Tianfu Academy, and tries hard to draw lessons from history and make use of the past for the present. It can provide some references for the reform and development of higher education today. This paper is divided into six parts: The first part is a brief analysis of the historical background of Tianfu Academy in order to better understand its historical value. The emergence of Ying Tianfu Academy has its specific historical background, which is mainly guided by the "right language" policy in the early Song Dynasty. Specifically, it mainly includes: first, the active advocacy of the rulers to handle the academies; The third is the rapid development of academy relying on Neo-Confucianism. The second part aims at the architectural layout and historical evolution of Tianfu Academy, according to various historical records, taking time as the baseline, briefly combing the basic conditions of the architecture and the development of each historical stage of this millennium institution. In order to fully present the history of Tianfu Academy rise and fall. The third part is the analysis of the organization and management of Tianfu Academy, including the establishment, financing, collection of books and sacrificial activities. The fourth part mainly describes the teaching activities of Tianfu Academy from the aspects of teaching purpose and content, teaching methods and teaching management. The purpose of the teaching is to train the practical talents and take Confucian classics and encyclopedia as the teaching contents. The teaching methods include teaching in the church, combining students' self-study with teachers' guidance, and combining teachers' teaching with scientific research. In enrollment, the main is to remove the portal restrictions, break down factional barriers, through Qi Tongwen and Fan Zhongyan rules to prove. The fifth part is a brief introduction to famous teachers who have made important contributions to the development of the academy, such as Qi Tongwen, Fan Zhongyan, and well-known disciples such as Sun Fu and Shi Jie. The sixth part analyzes the influence of Tianfu Academy on later generations, including scholars' recognition of the academy's historical status and role, scholars' praise to the Academy through inscriptions, poems, etc.


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1 张显运;;简论北宋时期河南书院的办学特色[J];开封大学学报;2005年04期

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1 张显运;简论北宋时期的河南书院[D];华中师范大学;2003年




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