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发布时间:2018-05-25 07:51

  本文选题:德国 + 全科医生 ; 参考:《中国全科医学》2013年36期

[Abstract]:This paper introduces the general situation of general practitioners in Germany, emphasizes on the education and training system of general practitioners, and analyzes the general situation, education and training, employment situation, development trend and existing problems of general practitioners in Germany. However, with the aging of the population in the 21st century and the shortage of doctors' resources, the income of general practitioners is lower than that of other doctors and the transformation of young doctors' pursuit of professional pattern, which results in the shortage of general practitioners in towns and villages in Germany. Based on the statistics of doctors in Germany in 2010, this paper describes the distribution of general practitioners in the field of employment in Germany, and introduces the contents of the work of general practitioners and the unique culture of general practitioners in Germany. This paper interprets the important role of the general practitioner system in the primary medical care in Germany, and discusses the problem of the serious shortage of successors in Germany from the age distribution of the current general practitioners in Germany.
【作者单位】: 杜伊斯堡-埃森大学经济学院;南京医科大学医政学院;


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