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发布时间:2018-05-26 21:12

  本文选题:红歌 + 当代大学生 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:2006年,江西卫视《中国红歌会》栏目创下的收视新高引发了举国上下对“红歌”的全方位关注。“红歌”可谓一夜成名,其曝光率成放射状增长,瞬间成为了时代新宠。笔者基于此,对红歌展开了一些思考。在以“他我”教育为主导地位的传统教育体系中,“自我”教育显得十分年轻,但实际上这是一个古老的话题。随着思想政治教育学科对实践的日益重视,人的主体性被提上日程,其表现便是“自我教育”的实现。 真、善、美是人类追求的理想境界,也是音乐与教育所要达到的终极目的。在马克思看来,音乐属于社会意识形态的一种,而教育则是对意识形态的传递。由此,音乐与教育便是天生的盟友。无论古今中外,音乐都被富赋予了教化功能,受到了先哲们的高度赞扬。这种教化是一种内化,与他人无关。在某种意义上,音乐即是自我教育的雏形,从而成为本文展开论述的基础。优秀的音乐使人身心和谐,正确的思想使社会和谐。红歌与自我教育虽然教育内容与教育方式不尽相同,但都是对人内在的思想、品质以及素养的全面改善与提升,根本目的是塑造自由而全面的人,进而实现人类社会的文明进步与和谐发展。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: in 2006, Jiangxi Satellite TV's "China Red Song" program set a new high viewing record, which caused the whole country to pay attention to "Red Song". "Red Song" can be said to become famous overnight, its exposure into a radial growth, instant has become the new favorite of the times. Based on this, the author of the red song launched some thinking. In the traditional educational system, "self" education is very young, but in fact it is an old topic. With the increasing emphasis on practice in the subject of ideological and political education, human subjectivity is put on the agenda, and its manifestation is the realization of "self-education". Truth, goodness and beauty are the ideal realm of human pursuit and the ultimate goal of music and education. In Marx's view, music is a kind of social ideology, and education is the transmission of ideology. Thus, music and education are natural allies. At all times and at home and abroad, music has been endowed with the function of enlightenment and highly praised by philosophers. This indoctrination is an internalization that has nothing to do with others. In a sense, music is the embryonic form of self-education, thus becoming the basis of this article. Excellent music makes people physically and mentally harmonious, and correct ideas make society harmonious. Although the contents and ways of education are different from those of self-education, red songs and self-education are all comprehensive improvement and promotion of people's inner thoughts, qualities and qualities. The fundamental purpose is to create free and comprehensive people. Then realize the civilization progress and harmonious development of human society.


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