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发布时间:2018-05-26 21:49

  本文选题:生态文明 + 大学生 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:20世纪以来日益严峻的环境问题、发展问题、人口问题、和平问题等,引发了各种灾难性的后果,不断挑战我们的生存和发展。步入21世纪这些问题并没有减弱,这就逼迫我们从整体上去反思我们的生存方式和发展模式,我们必须为人类今后的何去何从做出设计。生态危机是一个人类生存方式中自然的、人工的和社会的复合体,是现代人面临的现代性疾病。要从根本上解决生态危机,必须改变人们的世界观和价值观。本文以生态文明建设为背景,围绕当代大学生人格培育的意义以及存在的问题,提出了生态文明视阈下大学生人格培育应有的举措。 笔者认为在生态文明视阈下,我们推崇的“真”“善”“美”的统一与“人的全面发展”不但应涵盖人际道德,还应包含环境道德,二者兼备才是完整的。生态文明视阈下人格教育是生态文明时代道德教育的核心内容,它不是一般意义上的道德教育,而是培养人之为人的教育,是人格养成的教育,是塑造人的灵魂的教育,是培养迈向生态文明时代的具有健全道德人格的生态公民的素质教育。 首先本文分析了生态文明的重要意义,它是化解生态危机的必然选择,生态道德教育则是建设生态文明的应有之义。在生态文明建设过程中,大学生作为一特殊群体,其人格培育应该有所改变,其中最重要的就是培育其生态文明性的人格。这种人格培育模式和以往的有很大不同,具有重要的理论和实践意义。接着分析了当前生态文明视阈下大学生人格培育的必要性及存在的问题。生态文明发展中大学生人格缺失表现为生态道德知识掌握的“浅层次性”;生态道德意志不坚定;缺乏知行转化的能力。而究其原因则是包括高校、社会、家庭以及大学生自身的问题。最后,我们要在实践领域探寻培养大学生生态文明性人格的措施:探索生态文明视阈下高校德育工作对大学生人格培育的新途径,,加强大学生自身综合素质修养;高校德育要引导学生提高自我人格培育能力;高校德育充分利用家庭、社会等合力,完善生态文明视阈下大学生人格。
[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, the increasingly serious environmental problems, development problems, population problems, peace problems and so on, have caused a variety of disastrous consequences, and constantly challenge our survival and development. These problems have not weakened into the 21st century, which forces us to reflect on our way of life and development mode. We must design the future of human beings. Ecological crisis is a natural, artificial and social complex in the way of human existence, and it is a modern disease faced by modern people. In order to solve the ecological crisis fundamentally, we must change people's world outlook and values. Based on the background of the construction of ecological civilization and the significance and existing problems of contemporary college students' personality cultivation, this paper puts forward some measures for cultivating college students' personality from the perspective of ecological civilization. The author thinks that under the view of ecological civilization, the unity of "truth", "goodness" and "beauty" and "all-round development of human beings" should not only cover interpersonal morality, but also include environmental morality, both of which are complete. Personality education under the sight of ecological civilization is the core content of moral education in the age of ecological civilization. It is not moral education in the general sense, but the education of cultivating human being, the education of personality cultivation and the education of shaping man's soul. It is to cultivate the quality education of ecological citizen with sound moral personality in the age of ecological civilization. First of all, this paper analyzes the important significance of ecological civilization, which is the inevitable choice to resolve the ecological crisis, and ecological moral education is the proper meaning of constructing ecological civilization. In the process of ecological civilization construction, college students, as a special group, their personality cultivation should be changed, the most important is to cultivate their ecological civilization personality. This kind of personality cultivation mode is very different from the past, and has important theoretical and practical significance. Then it analyzes the necessity and problems of college students'personality cultivation under the current ecological civilization. The lack of personality of college students in the development of ecological civilization is characterized by the "superficial level" of ecological moral knowledge, the lack of firm will of ecological morality and the lack of the ability to transform knowledge into deeds. The reasons include university, society, family and college students themselves. Finally, we should explore the measures to cultivate the ecological civilized personality of college students in the practical field: explore a new way for moral education to cultivate the personality of college students from the perspective of ecological civilization, and strengthen the comprehensive quality of college students; Moral education in colleges and universities should guide students to improve their ability to cultivate their own personality, and make full use of family and social forces to perfect the personality of college students under the sight of ecological civilization.


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