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发布时间:2018-05-26 23:28

  本文选题:高校 + 思想政治教育 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the wide application of computer and network technology, the network has become one of the main ways for college students to acquire knowledge and information. The network has a wide and far-reaching influence on College Students' learning, life and thought. The influence of the network on college students is complex, which has both positive and negative effects. Under the present background, the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities in our country faces a series of challenges and opportunities brought by the popularization of the network. Therefore, we should take advantage of the network to bring the Marx theory education of college students into the new era. Under this background, the website can also become an important carrier of the ideological and political education of the college students in our country. In order to become an important channel for teachers and students to obtain all kinds of Marx theory materials, it is an important task for ideological and political education to strengthen the study of Ideological and political education of College Students under the network environment. Therefore, we should make the construction of the ideological and political education website keep up with the pace of the times, carry forward the red culture on the basis of the development of the times, carry forward the fine traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, cultivate and change the ideological concept of the college students. From this point of view, the construction of the ideological and ideological education website in the Marx doctrine of College Students Education will play a very important role. Since 1999, China's universities have established the first ideological and political education website, the ideological and political education website has made great progress, and has formed a basic theoretical framework. With the increasing negative impact of the network, the construction and development of Ideological and political education theme websites are becoming more and more necessary, The in-depth study of the theme website of Ideological and political education is not only conducive to the improvement and innovation of Ideological and political education, creates a good environment for ideological and political education, but also provides a new opportunity for the development of Ideological and political education in the network. As far as the status of universities in China is concerned, the form of Ideological and political education using the network is still in the exploration. In the face of this situation, under the call of the national policy, most colleges and universities have established the theme of Ideological and political education theme website. Aiming at the advantages and disadvantages of the network, we strive to explore a reasonable network ideological and political education mode, improve and develop the theme website of Ideological and political education in China, raise the usability of the website, improve the utilization of the website, and expand the network. It is the main problem that the ideological and political workers of our country should solve in order to achieve the purpose of improving the ideological quality of the students. Under the guidance of Marx theory, this article is based on the ideological and political education, through the analysis of induction, the theory of connection with the actual law and the method of literature and information, from the construction of Ideological and political institutions of higher learning. On the basis of the theoretical and practical perspectives of educational websites, the present situation and changes of Ideological and political education in Colleges and Universities under the development of Internet are analyzed in detail. Some problems existing in the construction process are reconsidered, and the specific design of people based on the construction of Ideological and political education website is explored, and the related construction is put forward on this basis. The purpose of this paper is to combine the construction of Ideological and political education website with the actual situation of teachers and students in universities and to make the construction of the website more effective in the process of construction. On the basis of the problems in the construction of Ideological and political education website, this paper aims at the actual needs in the construction process. On the basis of the concept of "Scientific Outlook on Development", with the guidance of the relevant methods and measures, the relevant ideological and political education website is actively constructed to promote the development of Ideological and educational work for college students. In theory, this research improves the reform of the work mode of Ideological and Political Education through the exploration of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities. The theoretical basis of innovation indicates the research direction of the effective ways of the network ideological and political education, which is beneficial to the construction of the website of Ideological and political education in Colleges and universities, to improve the pertinence of the website and to improve the ability of the students to solve their mental health problems. The development example of the school ideological and political education website and its research and analysis, through the overall development of the ideological and political education website in our country at present, provide some suggestions for the development of the ideological and political education website in Colleges and universities, which is beneficial to the popularization and development of the ideological and political education website in Colleges and universities. This paper is divided into six parts. Part of the introduction, introduced the background of this study, the status quo at home and abroad, the overall framework of the paper and other related issues; the second part mainly involved the ideological and political education website related concept analysis and theoretical basis, and other contents of the network ideological and political education network station background, concept, characteristics, theoretical basis and so on. The third part analyzes the challenges and opportunities that the Internet brings to the ideological and political education in Colleges and universities; the fourth part, in combination with the status analysis of the construction of Ideological and political education website in Colleges and universities, details the development results, utility and shortcomings of the construction of Ideological and political education website in Colleges and universities, and the fifth part is perfect to the ideological and political education website of colleges and universities. The construction strategy has been further discussed, and the suggestions and opinions on the construction of the ideological and political education website in Colleges and universities are given. The last part is the concluding part, which is the summary and reflection of the research content.


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