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发布时间:2018-05-26 23:44

  本文选题:普通高校 + 教育成本 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:据统计,我国每十万人中具有大学文化程度的为8930人,一些经济发达地区甚至达到了每4人中就有一个大学生。我国的高等教育实现了由“精英教育”到“大众教育”的转变,大众化的高等教育给中国带来了教育成本、培养质量和毕业生就业率三大问题。对于高等教育来说,质量应该是首位的,没有质量的大众化是虚假的大众化,以牺牲质量为代价来扩大高等教育的规模是得不偿失、本末倒置的。可以说,质量就是高等教育的生命线,只有保证了质量,守住了生命线才能谈发展、谈未来。然而,要保证质量意味着要投入更多的人力、物力和财力。坊间对于高等教育成本不断递增、负债率高、运营效率低下等“成本病”的议论和批评不绝于耳。教育成本和教学质量是肯定相关的,但是两者的相关性究竟有多大?是不是投入越多成本越高质量就越好?成本投入现状如何?怎样改进成本投入和保障质量?对这些问题的研究就是本文写作的目的也是本文要解决的问题。 基于我国不同高校的拨款政策不同,其成本和质量也会有差距,所以研究选取湖南地区三所不同高校进行成本和质量数据的采集和分析,以期能够以三所高校为样本代表不同类型高校的情况。研究中的成本采用高校当年的财务成本也就是实际成本,质量用办学资源和教学水平相关指标定量分析。 研究的数据分析采用SPSS统计软件的Perason相关分析,,分析结果显示:高校生均成本与教学质量之间并非直线相关,而是呈现一种非线性的正相关,生均人员经费和生均公用经费与教学质量是中度正相关的,生均基建支出表现出先正相关后负相关;并且省属高校教育成本的递增对教学质量的促进作用比教育部直属高校更加显著。这说明提高生均人员经费和生均公用经费支出最能促进教学质量的提高,而基建支出对教学质量提高的乘数效应是递减的。其次,研究还发现,教育部直属高校的生均经费要远远高于省属高校,但两者在基本办学条件上却差距不大,这说明高等教育经费的投入存在不均衡、结构不合理、质量低、效率低等问题。 当务之急,就是要解决高等院校成本不断增加而质量却未提高甚至下降这一问题。本文在第六章中详细论述了成本控制和教学质量保障的对策。其目的是,保证成本的合理增长同时促进教学质量的提高。
[Abstract]:According to statistics, there are 8930 people with university education in every 100, 000 people in our country, and even one university student in every 4 people in some economically developed areas. The higher education of our country has realized the transformation from "elite education" to "mass education". The popular higher education has brought three problems to China: education cost, training quality and graduate employment rate. For higher education, the quality should be the first, the popularization without quality is a false popularization, to sacrifice quality to expand the scale of higher education is not worth the loss, putting the cart before the horse. It can be said that quality is the lifeline of higher education. However, ensuring quality means investing more manpower, material and financial resources. There are many comments and criticisms about the "cost sickness" of higher education, such as increasing higher education cost, high debt ratio and low operating efficiency. The cost of education and the quality of teaching are positively related, but how much is the correlation between the two? Is the higher the cost, the better the quality? What is the status of cost input? How to improve cost input and guarantee quality? The study of these problems is not only the purpose of this paper, but also the problem to be solved in this paper. Based on the different allocation policies of different universities in China, there will be differences in cost and quality, so the study selects three different colleges and universities in Hunan to collect and analyze the cost and quality data. In order to be able to take three universities as a sample to represent the situation of different types of universities. The cost in the study is analyzed quantitatively by using the financial cost of the current year, that is, the actual cost, the quality of the school resources and the relevant indicators of the teaching level. The data of the study are analyzed by Perason correlation analysis of SPSS statistical software. The results show that the average cost of college students and teaching quality are not linear correlation, but show a nonlinear positive correlation. There is a moderate positive correlation between the average staff expenditure and the public expenditure of students and the teaching quality, and the average capital construction expenditure shows a positive correlation first and then a negative correlation. Moreover, the increasing cost of education in provincial colleges and universities plays a more important role in promoting teaching quality than that in colleges directly under the Ministry of Education. This shows that the improvement of teaching quality can be most promoted by increasing the expenditure of staff per student and public expenditure of students, while the multiplier effect of capital construction expenditure on the improvement of teaching quality is decreasing. Secondly, the study also found that the average student expenditure of colleges directly under the Ministry of Education is much higher than that of provincial colleges and universities, but there is not much difference between the two in the basic conditions of running a school, which indicates that the investment of funds for higher education is not balanced, the structure is unreasonable, and the quality is low. Problems such as inefficiency. The urgent task is to solve the problem that the cost of higher education is increasing and the quality is not improving or even decreasing. In the sixth chapter, the author discusses the countermeasures of cost control and teaching quality guarantee in detail. The aim is to ensure the reasonable increase of cost and promote the improvement of teaching quality.


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