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发布时间:2018-05-27 02:27

  本文选题:基于 + 卓越 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:工科学生评价是工程教育教学的重要组成部分,也是顺利推进“卓越工程师培养计划”的重要保障,但是我国工科学生评价还存在着严重的不足。目前,针对“卓越工程师培养计划”的研究大部分集中在培养目标、培养模式、教学方法改革等方面,而针对工科学生评价的研究非常少见。本文通过文献法与访谈调查法对工科学生评价进行了研究,认为档案袋评价方法非常符合工科教学的需求,在结合学生学习规律和工科教学需求的基础上,本文阐述了工科应用学生档案袋评价的方法。为了帮助教师掌握工科档案袋的实际操作方法,本文以H大光机电认知实习—激光打印机课程为例设计了该课程工科学生档案袋评价方案。 多元智能使人们相信只有真实性评价才有效的评价学生的能力。学生学习经验的主动建构说明动态性的学生评价才能展示出学生学习经验的变化,并且在评价的过程中充分发挥学生的主体性是非常重要的。除了学习理论的影响之外,工程实践性和复杂性决定了工科学生评价应是在一定工程情境性下、充分发挥学生自主性、反思性、多元化的评价。而档案袋评价法恰是能在一定工程情境下展开,运用多元评价方法真实评价学生的评价方法。根据档案袋评价法的基本要素,工科档案袋评价设计可分为三个部分即学生档案袋的开发、学习信息收集、档案袋评估。学生档案袋的开发部分包含了教学目标矩阵设计、学生档案袋评价标准以及档案袋评估方法设计。学生信息的收集主要依靠教师的学生评价任务设计以及学生的自我反思。档案袋评估部分最重要的有两点,一是根据教学需要确定评价者,二是在评价的过程中公正的执行评价规则。
[Abstract]:The evaluation of engineering students is an important part of the teaching of engineering education. It is also an important guarantee for the successful promotion of "excellent engineer training plan". However, there are still serious deficiencies in the evaluation of engineering students in China. At present, the research on the "training plan for excellent engineers" is concentrated on the training objectives, training models and teaching methods. The research on the evaluation of engineering students is very rare. This paper studies the evaluation of engineering students by the method of literature and interview, and thinks that the method of portfolio evaluation is very consistent with the needs of engineering teaching. On the basis of combining students' learning rules and engineering teaching, this paper expounds the application of students in engineering. In order to help teachers to master the actual operation methods of engineering archives, this paper designs the portfolio evaluation scheme for the students in the course of Engineering in this course in order to help teachers to master the practical operation methods of engineering archives. This paper takes the H Da Guang mechanical and electrical cognitive practice - laser printer as an example.
Multiple intelligences make people believe that only authenticity evaluation can effectively evaluate students' ability. The active construction of students' learning experience shows that dynamic student evaluation can show the changes of students' learning experience, and it is not often important to give full play to the students' subjectivity in the process of evaluation. The engineering practice and complexity determine that the evaluation of engineering students should give full play to students' autonomy, reflection and diversification in the context of certain engineering situations. The portfolio evaluation method can be carried out in a certain project situation and appraise the evaluation method of the students with multiple evaluation methods. The design of engineering archives bag can be divided into three parts, namely, the development of student archives, the collection of learning information, and the evaluation of the file bag. The development part of the student file bag includes the design of the teaching target matrix, the evaluation standard of the student file bag and the design of the evaluation method of the file bag. The collection of the student information mainly depends on the student evaluation of the teacher. The task design and the self reflection of the students. The most important part of the portfolio assessment is to determine the evaluators according to the needs of the teaching, and the two is the fair implementation of the evaluation rules in the process of evaluation.


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