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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:26

  本文选题:英国 + 高等教育优质教学 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着全球竞争、市场机制和管理主义对英国高等教育发展的影响越来越大,英国高等教育教学发展面临着一系列的问题和挑战:教学资源减少,学生多样化,教学质量下降,教学与科研地位失衡,等等、另一方面,自人们意识到教学也是一种专业化的活动,其与研究应该有着同等的地位之后,各种提闻教学在闻等教育中地位的措施开始出现。 英国政府意识到全球竞争中高等教育对国家经济发展的重大意义。高等教育优质教学成为英国大学教师和高等教育学者所经常提及的一个常用术语,也逐渐成为高校教师和学者经常进行的教学实践和研究活动。高等教育优质教学是教师所具有的某种教学理念,这种理念外显在教师的教学行为中,就是一种“优质化”的教学实践,,其优质性体现在教学过程的各个方面,如师生良好的关系状态,师生彼此反馈的积极性和有效性,现代化的教学手段的运用,等等。英国在高等教育优质教学的研究和具体推进措施方面有着自己的成果和体系。 本文是对英国高等教育优质教学及其推进措施的探讨和研究,由五部分组成,基本内容如下: 引言部分是对研究缘由、意义、现状、目的、方法和概念界定的阐述。 第一章介绍了英国高等教育优质教学理念产生和发展的背景,以及传统、绩效、心理学化和批判四个理解视角。 第二章主要从高等教育优质教学的生成、本质、目标、以及量化和控制四个方面阐述了英国高等教育优质教学的内涵。 第三章主要介绍了英国推进高等教育优质教学发展的措施。这些措施可以分为两个方面和三个层面。两个方面是指英国所设立的优质教学奖和优质教学中心,也可以理解为英国推进高等教育优质教学发展的两种主要方法措施;三个层面是指国家层面、高校层面,以及在教师层面教师对这些措施所进行的反应和行动。 在这一章中,国家层面主要选择对英国英格兰高等教育资助委员会于2005年在54所高校设立的74个优质教学中心进行整体的论述,以及对英国高等教育学院于2000年设立的国家级优质教学奖进行介绍;在高校层面,主要选择英国华威大学优质教学中心及其实践活动作为个案,探讨优质教学中心与高等教育优质教学发展的关系,以及对教师、学生和高等教育教学的影响;在教师层面,由于教师个人对高校和政府促进高等教育优质教学发展的措施反应不一,很难选取有代表性的教师及其实践进行分析,因此本文在教师层面主要是对影响教师参与优质教学实践的因素做了简单分析。 第四章对英国高等教育优质教学的共性进行了总结。虽然目前无论是在理论方面还是实践方面,人们对高等教育优质教学还存在很多争议,但是通过前文的论述和分析,本文将高等教育优质教学的共性分析为以下几点:不确定性和多样性,合作性和竞争性,反思性,教与学共同发展,未来取向。文章最后对高等教育优质教学进行了批判性的思考,试图理解这一理念目前存在争议的原因,并思考其未来发展的意义和价值。
[Abstract]:With the increasing of global competition , market mechanism and management , there are a series of problems and challenges in the development of British higher education : the decrease of teaching resources , the diversification of students , the decline of teaching quality , the imbalance of teaching and scientific research status , etc .

The British government is aware of the great significance of higher education in the global competition to the development of the national economy . The high quality teaching of higher education has become a common terminology frequently mentioned by teachers and scholars in universities . The quality of higher education is a kind of teaching practice of teachers and scholars . The quality of higher education is reflected in all aspects of the teaching process , such as the good relationship between teachers and students , the enthusiasm and effectiveness of teachers and students , the application of modern teaching means , etc . The UK has its own achievements and system in the research of high quality teaching of higher education and the concrete promotion measures .

This paper is a discussion and research on the high quality teaching of higher education in England and its promotion measures . It consists of five parts . The basic contents are as follows :

The introduction part is the elaboration of the research reasons , the significance , the present situation , the purpose , the method and the concept .

The first chapter introduces the background of the creation and development of the high - quality teaching concept of higher education in England , as well as the traditional , performance , psychology and criticism .

The second chapter expounds the connotation of the high - quality teaching of higher education from four aspects : the generation , the essence , the goal and the quantification and control of the high - quality teaching in higher education .

The third chapter mainly introduces the measures to promote the development of high - quality teaching of higher education in Britain . These measures can be divided into two aspects and three levels . Two aspects refer to the high - quality teaching and quality teaching centers set up in Britain , and the two main measures to promote the high - quality teaching development of higher education in the UK ;
The three dimensions refer to the country level , the level of the university and the responses and actions of teachers at the teacher level to these measures .

In this chapter , the national level mainly chooses 74 high - quality teaching centers set up by the British Higher Education Funding Council in 54 universities in 2005 , and introduces the national quality education award set up in 2000 by the British Higher Education College ;
At the university level , the high - quality teaching center and its practical activities of the University of Warwick of England are selected as a case , and the relationship between the high - quality teaching center and the high - quality teaching development of higher education is discussed , as well as the influence on the teaching of teachers , students and higher education ;
At the teacher level , it is difficult to select a representative teacher and its practice because of the fact that teachers ' personal measures to promote the development of high - quality teaching in higher education are different . Therefore , this paper makes a simple analysis on the factors that influence teachers ' participation in quality teaching practice at the teacher level .

The fourth chapter summarizes the commonness of the high quality teaching of higher education in England . Although there are many disputes about the quality teaching of higher education , both in theory and practice , this paper analyzes the commonness of higher education quality teaching as the following points : uncertainty and diversity , cooperation and competitiveness , reflection , teaching and learning together development and future orientation .


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