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发布时间:2018-05-27 13:42

  本文选题:学术权力 + 合法性 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自20世纪60年代以来,世界范围内展开关于“教育危机”或“大学危机”的讨论,从欧美到发展中国家逐渐成为一种批判力量,从媒体对于各种学术丑闻、研究欺诈以及用人舞弊的关注上充分显示了公众对高等教育的不满。基于大学内部管理体制的探析,大学学术权力的式微和错位直接导致了现代大学的危机。由于大学权力的特殊性,学术权力也不同于政治学中的一般权力,学术权力的本质在于专业和学术能力,那么作为公立高等学校中科研与教学任务的实质承担者的高校教师,理应成为学术权力的主体,然而现实却不容乐观,问题出现在公立高等学校教师从聘用到进行教学活动,评价、晋升、解雇的一系列环节之中。近年来发生在这些环节的诉讼案件也不在少数,如关系到教师聘任的“林某诉西北大学案”,以及由于学术权力的关系而引起强大反响的“刘燕文诉北京大学案”等。这些案件的存在,让我们不得不对如何构建合理的大学学术管理体制进行更深层次的思考。 以往对于高校的学术权力的研究,多停留在呼吁行政权力的让步,而且对学术权力的主体定位不清。笔者希望通过对学术权力及其合法性进行探究的基础上,并结合相关案例的分析,从法理学上提出法律规范权力的思想,,进而对法律规范学术权力进行实体法与程序法方面的探究。本文从法律规范的角度研究高校教师的学术权力,希望学界更多的关注高教领域的法制问题,使高校不再以“治外法权”侵害教师的利益,使高教不至于沦陷为法治的“丛林”。
[Abstract]:Since the 1960s, the worldwide discussion on the "education crisis" or "university crisis" has gradually become a critical force from Europe and the United States to developing countries, from the media to various academic scandals. The concern about fraud and fraud is a good sign of public discontent with higher education. Based on the analysis of the internal management system of universities, the decline and dislocation of academic power directly lead to the crisis of modern universities. Because of the particularity of university power, academic power is different from general power in politics. The essence of academic power lies in specialty and academic ability. It is supposed to be the main body of academic power, but the reality is not optimistic. The problems arise in a series of links from hiring to teaching activities, evaluation, promotion and dismissal of teachers in public institutions of higher learning. In recent years, there are not a few litigation cases in these links, such as the case of Lin v. Northwest University, which is related to the appointment of teachers, and the case of Liu Yanwen v. Peking University, which is strongly reverberated by the relationship of academic power, and so on. With the existence of these cases, we have to think about how to construct a reasonable academic management system. In the past, the research on academic power in colleges and universities has mainly focused on appealing for concessions of administrative power and unclear positioning of the subject of academic power. On the basis of probing into academic power and its legitimacy and combining with the analysis of relevant cases, the author hopes to put forward the idea of legal normative power from jurisprudence. Then, the author probes into the substantive law and the procedural law of the legal normative academic power. This paper studies the academic power of university teachers from the angle of legal norms, and hopes that the academic circles will pay more attention to the legal problems in the field of higher education, so that colleges and universities will no longer encroach on teachers' interests by "extraterritorial jurisdiction". So that higher education does not fall into the "jungle" of the rule of law.


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