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发布时间:2018-05-27 15:23

  本文选题:日本 + 私立大学 ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:日本之所以能够得到世界各国教育学者的广泛关注,不但因为日本高等教育发展迅速,成为亚洲首个迈进高等教育大众化的国家。而且,日本私立教育非常发达,在促进本国经济发展、提高国家科研水平方面发挥了不可估量的推动作用。随着高等教育规模不断扩大,日本教育质量尤其是私立教育质量下滑明显。90年代之后,为巩固全球科技竞争中的优势地位,日本展开了以保障教育质量为目标的一系列高等教育改革。学校数量、在校生人数都占到日本全国总数70%以上的私立大学,毫无疑问成为这次教育质量改革的关键。经过十几年的发展,日本已经形成了以政府为主导、大学自我评价为基础、外部第三方评价为核心的多元评价主体共存,多种保障形式互补的一套较为完善的高等教育质量保障体系。 本文采用了文献研究法、比较研究法、个案研究法。在梳理二战前日本私立大学教育质量保障历史演进的基础上,从政府、私立大学、第三方评价机构方面入手,分析现如今日本如何建构完善私立大学教育质量保障体系以及各部门在质量保障过程当中所发挥的职能与作用。通过比较私立与国立大学教育质量保障、日美两国私立教育质量保障方式的差异,,归纳出日本私立大学教育质量保障的特点。期望通过总结日本私立大学教育质量保障的特点和经验,为我国民办教育质量保障提供有益借鉴。
[Abstract]:The reason why Japan has been widely concerned by educators all over the world is not only because of the rapid development of Japan's higher education, but also because it has become the first country in Asia to move forward to the popularization of higher education. Moreover, Japanese private education is very developed and plays an inestimable role in promoting the development of national economy and raising the level of national scientific research. With the expansion of the scale of higher education, the quality of Japanese education, especially the quality of private education, has declined markedly. After the 1990s, in order to consolidate the dominant position in the global scientific and technological competition, Japan has launched a series of higher education reforms aimed at ensuring the quality of education. The number of schools and the number of students in Japan account for more than 70% of the total number of private universities in Japan, undoubtedly the key to the quality of education reform. After more than ten years of development, Japan has formed the coexistence of multiple evaluation subjects based on government, university self-evaluation and external third-party evaluation. A set of perfect higher education quality assurance system with complementary forms. This article adopts the literature research method, the comparison research method, the case study method. On the basis of combing the historical evolution of educational quality assurance in Japanese private universities before World War II, starting with the government, private universities, and third-party evaluation institutions, This paper analyzes how to construct and perfect the quality assurance system of private universities in Japan and the functions and functions of various departments in the process of quality assurance. By comparing the quality assurance of private universities with that of national universities, and comparing the differences between Japan and the United States, this paper concludes the characteristics of quality assurance of private universities in Japan. By summing up the characteristics and experiences of the quality assurance of private universities in Japan, the author hopes to provide useful reference for the quality assurance of private education in China.


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2 闫飞龙;;以自我评价为基础的日本大学多元化评价体系研究[J];复旦教育论坛;2008年02期

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4 张德伟;;日本的教育督导制度与学校评价[J];哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版);2006年02期

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6 方勇;;日本大学排行注重社会评价[J];评价与管理;2007年03期

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1 龚兴英;日本“21世纪COE计划”[D];西南师范大学;2005年

2 耿萍;日本私立大学经营体制研究[D];对外经济贸易大学;2007年




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