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发布时间:2018-05-28 00:16

  本文选题:民办院校 + 旅游专业 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:民办院校旅游专业教育是我国旅游高等教育的重要组成部分,也是我国旅游从业的主要人才输送基地。其教学质量直接影响着从业人员的素质,进而影响旅游业的发展规模。教师作为民办院校旅游专业教学的主导者,在整个教学过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用。而如何实现教师队伍结构优化、提升教师的教学能力以及改变教育部门和民办院校对旅游专业教师的传统管理方式,创造性的营造适合教师职业发展外部环境,激发教师工作积极性和能动性,是解决目前旅游业发展放缓、高校旅游专业规模收缩的关键,也是提升民办院校教育质量和知名度的必然途径。本文选取我国民办院校旅游专业教师队伍建设中普遍存在的问题作为主要的研究内容。 本文运用问卷调查法和访谈分析法对我国民办院校旅游专业教师队伍建设现状及普遍存在的问题进行了分析,指出目前我国民办院校旅游专业教师队伍建设存在着诸多的问题和缺陷,其中既有保障机制建设欠完善的原因,也有教师队伍结构不合理以及教学能力低下的原因。而在这些影响因素中,教师队伍年龄、学历等结构的不合理和教学能力低下是造成民办院校旅游专业发展收缩的重要原因之一。因此,对民办院校旅游专业教师队伍建设研究是极其必要和可行的。文章在借鉴相关理论研究的基础上,结合旅游专业和民办院校特点,深入分析目前我国民办院校旅游专业教师队伍建设现状,存在的问题及原因,,提出具有针对性和操作性强的建议,以期能够为我国民办院校旅游专业教师队伍发展提供新的观念和思路。
[Abstract]:Tourism professional education in private colleges is an important part of tourism higher education in China, and it is also the main talent transportation base of tourism industry in China. Its teaching quality directly affects the quality of employees, and then affects the scale of tourism development. As the leader of tourism teaching in private colleges and universities, teachers play an important role in the whole teaching process. And how to optimize the structure of teachers, improve the teaching ability of teachers, change the traditional management of tourism teachers in education departments and private colleges, and creatively create a suitable external environment for teachers' professional development. To stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of teachers is the key to slow down the development of tourism and shrink the scale of tourism major in colleges and universities. It is also an inevitable way to improve the quality and popularity of education in private colleges and universities. This paper selects the common problems in the construction of tourism teachers in private colleges and universities as the main research contents. This paper analyzes the present situation and common problems of the construction of tourism teachers in private colleges and universities by means of questionnaire survey and interview analysis. It is pointed out that there are many problems and defects in the construction of tourism teachers in private colleges and universities in our country at present, including the reasons for the imperfect construction of the guarantee mechanism, the unreasonable structure of the teachers' contingent and the low teaching ability. Among these influencing factors, the unreasonable structure of teachers' age, educational background and low teaching ability is one of the important reasons for the contraction of tourism specialty development in private colleges and universities. Therefore, it is extremely necessary and feasible to study the construction of tourism teachers in private colleges and universities. On the basis of reference of relevant theoretical research, combined with the characteristics of tourism specialty and private colleges, this paper deeply analyzes the present situation, existing problems and reasons of the construction of tourism professional teachers in private colleges and universities in our country. Some suggestions with pertinence and operation are put forward in order to provide new ideas and ideas for the development of tourism teachers in private colleges and universities in China.


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