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发布时间:2018-05-28 09:23

  本文选题:大学生 + 爱国主义 ; 参考:《浙江理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:爱国主义既是中华民族精神的核心和中华民族的优良传统,,也是思想政治教育的核心内容。进入21世纪,经济全球化日益加快,网络技术日新月异,深刻影响到当代大学生的思维方式和行为方式。面对开阔的知识视野、日益丰富的物质世界与精神文化世界,不可避免地引起当代大学生思想观念和思维方式的深刻变化。当代大学生在爱国主义表达方式上发生了哪些变化,如何看待当代大学生爱国主义表达方式的变化,怎样针对当代大学生在爱国主义表达方式的变化有效实施爱国主义教育,这是新世纪思想政治教育,尤其是爱国主义教育所面临的重大历史性课题。本文围绕这一问题从四个方面展开研究。 第一部分:通过比较分析方法,研究当代大学生在爱国主义表达方式上同以往青年大学生比较发生了哪些变化,全面把握当代大学生爱国主义表达方式变化的特点和所凸显的时代特征,深刻挖掘深藏于爱国主义表达方式变化之中的当代大学生对国家、对民族的深厚情感。 第二部分:运用历史唯物主义方法,分析研究引起当代大学生爱国主义方式变化的社会原因和时代背景,回顾总结我们在对大学生进行爱国主义教育中的经验教训。系统把握当代大学生爱国主义方式变化的社会原因、学校原因、家庭原因以及大学生自身原因。 第三部分:运用唯物辩证方法,研究分析当代大学生爱国主义表达方式哪些具有时代进步性,反映了时代特征,应充分肯定和弘扬;哪些具有时代局限性,是不可取的,应予以克服和正确引导,对当代青年爱国主义表达方式变化予以客观正确评判,以利对当代青年针对性的开展爱国主义教育,提高爱国主义教育的实效性。 第四部分:运用理论和实践相结合的方法,针对当代大学生爱国主义表达方式变化的新情况,研究爱国主义的教育内容、教育形式、教育环境、实现途径的改革与创新。
[Abstract]:Patriotism is not only the core of the spirit of the Chinese nation and the fine tradition of the Chinese nation, but also the core of the ideological and political education. In twenty-first Century, the economic globalization is accelerating and the network technology is changing with each passing day. It has profound influence on the thinking mode and behavior mode of contemporary college students. The world of spirit and culture inevitably leads to profound changes in the ideas and ways of thinking of contemporary college students. What changes have taken place in the expression of patriotism in contemporary college students, how to look at the changes in the expression of patriotism in contemporary college students and how to change the way of expression of patriotism among the students of the generation? The effective implementation of patriotism education is a major historical issue facing ideological and political education in the new century, especially in patriotism education. This paper focuses on this issue from four aspects.
The first part: through the comparative analysis method, we study the changes of the contemporary college students in patriotism expression and the former young college students, grasp the characteristics of the change of the contemporary college students' patriotism expression and the characteristics of the times, and dig deep into the change of the expression of patriotism. The profound emotion of the contemporary university students to the country and to the nation.
The second part: using the historical materialism method to analyze and study the social causes and background of the change of contemporary college students' patriotism, review and summarize our experience and lessons in the patriotism education for college students. Cause and college students' own reasons.
The third part: the use of materialist dialectics, the analysis of the contemporary college students' patriotic expression of the way of the times, reflecting the characteristics of the times, should be fully affirmed and carried forward, which has the limitations of the times, is not advisable, should be overcome and correct guidance, the change of the expression of contemporary youth patriotism The correct judgement should be carried out in order to carry out patriotic education for contemporary youth and improve the effectiveness of patriotism education.
The fourth part: using the method of combining theory and practice, it studies the content of patriotism, the form of education, the environment of education, and the reform and innovation of the way to realize the change of the expression of patriotism in contemporary college students.


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