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发布时间:2018-05-28 15:56

  本文选题:严复 + 北京大学 ; 参考:《北京大学教育评论》2013年02期

[Abstract]:President Yan Fu of Peking University was forced to leave his post, mainly driven by two forces: first, anti-martial workers of the Ministry of Education, especially Dong Hongyn, deputy minister, and Chiang Wei-chiao, counsellor; and a small number of radical revolutionaries among the students of Peking University. Represented by Pang Foh-kung of the Chemical Department of Science. The sharp contradictions and conflicts between Yan Fu and the Ministry of Education in the course of dealing with the affairs of Peking University are the main reasons for the latter's determination to replace them, at the same time, his habit of smoking opium and his loose style are also not tolerated by the new school figures. In flagrant violation of the State Council's order and the Ministry of Education's notes, he accepted the Presidential Office adviser as a part-time official, making him an opportunity for the Ministry of Education. But because Yan Fu has the support of Yuan Shikai and the vast majority of staff and students, anti-martial workers in the Ministry of Education have taken unusual measures to use newspaper services to attack Pang Foong, who has been accused of spreading rumors against Yan Fu. The rumor that Yan Fu was "smoking and detained" at Qianmen Station exposed the privacy of Yan Fu's opium use from a small area, resulting in criticism and criticism that forced Yan Fu to step down. For Peking University, Yan Fu's forced resignation was not only an educational and academic failure, but also a continuing clash between students and subsequent principals and ministries of education.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史系;


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