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发布时间:2018-05-29 05:16

  本文选题:高校教师 + 思想政治工作 ; 参考:《宁夏大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业,是人类灵魂的工程师,教师决定着人类素质发展的高低,同时左右着社会文明的发展程度,是一种伴随着人类社会发展进程的神圣职业。随着高等教育事业的不断发展,高校教师队伍也日益的壮大起来,培养造就出了一大批素质优良、勇于创新的高校教师。因此,高校教师的思想政治工作也显得尤为重要,高校教师的思想政治工作水平不仅关系到高校教师人才队伍的建设,而且关系到高校社会主义的办学方向,更关系到高等教育事业的长足发展。 本论文是从高校教师思想政治工作的理论依据入手,分析了当前高校教师队伍的基本情况、思想特点及高校教师思想政治工作中存在的问题,探讨如何加强和改进宁夏地区高校教师思想政治工作的对策。第一章是绪论,主要涉及本文的研究背景、研究目的意义、研究内容、研究方法、研究路线和论文的创新之处;第二章重点探讨了高校教师思想政治工作的理论依据和宁夏高校教师思想政治工作的地位;第三章重点分析了宁夏高校教师的思想政治工作状态,并阐述了宁夏高校教师思想政治工作中存在的问题及其原因;第四章提出了有效提升宁夏高校教师思想政治工作的实效性;第五章重点的提出了规划和确立宁夏高校教师思想政治工作的长效机制。
[Abstract]:Teachers are the most brilliant profession under the sun and the engineers of the human soul. Teachers determine the development of human quality and the development of social civilization, which is a sacred occupation accompanying the development of human society. With the continuous development of higher education, the contingent of university teachers is growing day by day, and a large number of university teachers with excellent quality and courage to innovate have been cultivated. Therefore, the ideological and political work of university teachers is also particularly important. The level of ideological and political work of university teachers is not only related to the construction of the contingent of university teachers, but also related to the socialist direction of running a school in colleges and universities. More related to the rapid development of higher education. Starting with the theoretical basis of the ideological and political work of university teachers, this paper analyzes the basic situation, ideological characteristics and problems existing in the ideological and political work of college teachers. This paper discusses how to strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of college teachers in Ningxia. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly involves the research background, the research purpose significance, the research content, the research method, the research route and the paper innovation; The second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis of the ideological and political work of college teachers and the status of the ideological and political work of teachers in Ningxia, the third chapter focuses on the analysis of the ideological and political work of teachers in colleges and universities in Ningxia. The problems and reasons in the ideological and political work of teachers in colleges and universities in Ningxia are expounded, and the fourth chapter proposes how to effectively improve the effectiveness of the ideological and political work of teachers in colleges and universities in Ningxia. The fifth chapter puts forward the long-term mechanism of planning and establishing the ideological and political work of teachers in Ningxia colleges and universities.


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