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发布时间:2018-05-29 03:43

  本文选题:课堂教学质量评价 + 最大熵权学习方法 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教学质量是高校的生命之源,从1985年国家教委颁布《关于开展高等工程教育评估研究和试点工作的通知》开始,一些省市相继启动并逐步关注高校办学水平、专业、课程的评估工作。近年来,随着社会的发展,为了提高国民素质,提升学历,圆更多学生的大学梦,国家实施了扩大普通高等本专科院校招生人数的教育改革政策。随着高校的扩招,学生数量大幅度的增加,在这种情况下,课堂教学质量成为各大高校都十分重视的问题,众多的课堂教学质量评价体系也应运而生,教学质量评价是学校教育质量保障体系中的关键性环节,需要从不同的角度、不同的层次和不同的渠道对教师的教学活动进行全面地监察、评价和反馈。但目前的研究过程,欠缺对影响课堂教学质量评价客观因素的考虑,本文强调课堂教学质量评价客观性的作用,以期找到可以客观给出教师课堂教学质量评价的权重指标,以给教师客观有效的评价。 本文的研究工作主要包括以下几个方面: (1)对在课堂教学质量评价中存在的客观性影响因素进行研究,通过网上问卷调查和走访调查得到大量基础数据,并运用SPSS11.5软件对这些数据进行统计分析,分析结果表明:课堂教学质量评价中存在客观影响因素,并分析了这些因素对于评教结果的具体影响。 (2)根据问卷调查中的参数和结论,为了减小这些客观因素对评价结果的影响,决定采用先对数据进行降噪处理,即利用误差理论中的格拉布斯准则、拉依达准则来发现异常数据,由决策者选择用平均值法、最大最小赋值法或者历史值结合法来修正异常数据,实现数据降噪的目的,然后应用加权的专家(专业教师或督导)评价分值来均衡学生评价分值,对所有学生的评分进行重新估算,以此构建基于专家知识的数据校正模型。给定了两种权重计算方案,由决策者根据具体情况决定采用哪一种方案进行数据的校正处理。同时,采用分阶段进行评教的方法,以期弱化影响因素对于评价结果的影响,另外还能达到为教师改进教学方法提供依据,达到提高教学质量的目的。 (3)分析了现有的一些课堂教学质量评价模型,基于加涅的“九大教学事件”和ARCS学习动机模型的理论基础,综合考虑具体教学的步骤,构建了课堂教学质量评价指标体系。体系由3个一级指标和13个二级指标构成。由于此评价模型以客观性为出发点,,所以选择客观计算权重的方法最大熵权学习方法按照层次结构来逐层计算权重。为求数据的客观真实,收集了多个年级多门课程多个专业的实际评教数据,将数据进行归一化处理后,利用最大熵权学习方法计算得到教学准备的权向量(ω11,ω12,ω13)和评价对象对于教学准备的综合值T1j、教学过程的权向量(ω21,ω22,ω23,ω24,ω25,ω26,ω27)和评价对象对于教学过程的综合值T2j、教学效果及反馈的权向量(ω31,ω32,ω33)和评价对象对于教学效果及反馈的综合值T3j、课堂教学质量评价的权向量(W1,W2,W3)和评价对象对于课堂教学质量评价的综合值T1j,最终构建课堂教学质量评价的客观性模型。 (4)使用Asp.net和SQL Server2005软件开发工具实现了的课堂教学质量评价客观性模型实验系统,并对实际的数据进行对比分析,包括:未经过处理的原始数据所得的权重结果和通过基于专家知识的数据校正模型处理过的权重结果,另外针对某老师的上课情况,利用某高校之前的课堂教学质量评价模型得到的评价结果和利用课堂教学质量评价客观性模型得到的评价结果。实验结果表明本文提出的评价模型是可行、有效的。
[Abstract]:The quality of teaching is the source of life in Colleges and universities. From the notice issued by the State Education Committee in 1985 on the research and pilot work of higher engineering education evaluation, some provinces and cities began to start and gradually pay attention to the level, professional and curriculum evaluation of colleges and universities. In recent years, with the development of the society, in order to improve the quality of the people and improve their educational background, With more students' college dreams, the country has implemented the educational reform policy of expanding the number of students in ordinary colleges and universities. With the enrollment expansion of colleges and universities, the number of students has increased greatly. In this case, the quality of classroom teaching has become a very important issue in all universities, and a large number of classroom teaching quality evaluation systems have emerged. Teaching quality evaluation is the key link in the quality assurance system of school education. It is necessary to monitor, evaluate and feedback the teaching activities of teachers from different angles, different levels and different channels. However, the current research process is lacking in the consideration of the objective factors affecting the evaluation of classroom teaching quality. This paper emphasizes the class. The objective of teaching quality evaluation is to find out the weight indicators that can objectively evaluate teachers' classroom teaching quality, so as to give teachers an objective and effective evaluation.
The research work in this paper includes the following aspects:
(1) to study the influence factors of objectivity in the evaluation of classroom teaching quality, and get a large number of basic data through online questionnaire survey and interview survey, and use SPSS11.5 software to analyze these data. The results show that there are objective factors in the evaluation of classroom teaching quality, and these factors are analyzed. The specific influence on the results of teaching evaluation.
(2) according to the parameters and conclusions in the questionnaire survey, in order to reduce the impact of these objective factors on the evaluation results, it is decided to reduce the noise of the data first. That is, using the grabus criterion in the error theory and the LADA criterion to find out the abnormal data, the decision makers choose the average value method, the maximum minimum assignment method or the historical value knot. It is legitimate to amend abnormal data to achieve the purpose of data noise reduction, and then apply the weighted expert (professional teacher or supervision) evaluation score to balance student evaluation score, and reestimate the scores of all students, so as to construct a data correction model based on expert knowledge. Two weights are given by the decision-makers. The situation determines which kind of scheme is used to correct the data correction. At the same time, the method of teaching evaluation by stages is adopted in order to weaken the influence of the influence factors on the evaluation results. In addition, it can provide the basis for the teachers to improve the teaching methods and improve the teaching quality.
(3) analysis of the existing classroom teaching quality evaluation model, based on Gagne's "nine major teaching events" and the theoretical basis of ARCS learning motivation model, comprehensive consideration of specific teaching steps, construction of classroom teaching quality evaluation index system. The system is composed of 3 first level indexes and 13 two grade indexes. The view is the starting point, so the method of maximum entropy weight learning method is chosen by the method of objective calculation weight. In order to seek the objective truth of the data, the actual evaluation data of multiple courses and multiple courses in multiple grades are collected. After the data is normalized, the maximum entropy weight learning method is used to get the teaching. The weight vectors (omega 11, Omega 12, Omega 13) and the evaluation object's comprehensive value T1j for teaching preparation, the weights of the teaching process (omega 21, Omega 22, Omega 23, Omega 24, Omega 24, Omega 25, Omega 26, Omega 27) and the evaluation object for the teaching process T2j, the teaching effect and the feedback weight vector (omega 31, Omega 32, Omega 33) and the comprehensive value T3j for the teaching effect and feedback, The weight vector (W1, W2, W3) of classroom teaching quality evaluation and the comprehensive value T1j of evaluation object for classroom teaching quality evaluation, and finally construct the objectivity model of classroom teaching quality evaluation.
(4) the objective model experiment system is implemented by using Asp.net and SQL Server2005 software development tools, and the actual data are compared and analyzed, including the weight results obtained from the raw data and the weight results processed by the data correction model based on the expert knowledge. The evaluation results obtained from the classroom teaching quality evaluation model before a certain university and the evaluation results obtained by using the classroom teaching quality evaluation objective model. The results show that the evaluation model proposed in this paper is feasible and effective.


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