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发布时间:2018-05-30 03:17

  本文选题:德国公立高校 + 学术自由 ; 参考:《国家教育行政学院学报》2015年12期

[Abstract]:In recent years, the legal status of public institutions of higher learning in Germany has gradually changed from the dual legal status of state institutions and public law organizations to the various types of legal status after the overall opening up of the form of legal persons. It is controlled by the dual mechanism of academic freedom and resource dependence, which is represented by the complex game and dynamic balance between the intervention of state regulation and control and the independent transformation of universities. This reform not only promotes the competitiveness of universities, but also forces them to face the dual risks of bureaucracy and marketization. Based on the function of the public legal person system, the public legal person form, which is based on the public law association, is the ideal state for the public institutions of higher learning to solve the multiple value conflict and realize the goal of public interest. From the perspective of dualistic distinction and integration of public and private law and the centralism of legal right, the legal reform of Chinese public institutions of higher learning should be within the overall framework of institutional reform of public institutions. To realize the "contract" of the public power operation and the "public law regulation" of the private law act, and to construct the "interactive" legal right structure of the dynamic checks and balances of the power (interest) of all parties.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学;


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