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发布时间:2018-05-30 03:28

  本文选题:民办高校 + 辅导员队伍 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在上世纪80年代我国近代民办高等教育才刚刚起步,经历发展过程中存在着各式各样的阻力和困难,在国家政策和民办教育的自身努力下,今天已发展成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。民办高等教育的发展壮大,不是光要有高大的教学大楼,先进的实验室楼,优雅舒适的宿舍楼,这样的硬件设施。还要有超一流的教育管理水平的软件设施。提高学生管理工作的效率和质量,是民办高等院校发展的必然条件。由于民办高校的特殊体制和学生的特点,就要求我们不得不拥有一支能力较强,综合能力过硬的高素质高校辅导员队伍。民办高校辅导员队伍建设的整体水平和个人素质,在很大程度上影响着学生管理能力的好坏。辅导员队伍在民办高校中有着极其重要的作用,直接影响到民办高校的办学质量和稳定发展。 民办高校辅导员既是管理者也是教师,是民办高校正常教学秩序的维护者,是民办高校学生管理工作的重要参与者,是我国民办高校思想政治教育的中坚力量,更是我国高等教育思想政治教育工作的实践者。同时认清目前民办高校辅导员队伍建设中存在的问题,从辅导员自身素质提高和民办高校学生管理工作改革两方面建设高层次,高素质,,专业化的辅导员队伍,是促进民办高校持续,健康发展的重要保障。 本文在广泛学习吸收借鉴现有的研究成果上,结合陕西民办高等教育的具体实际,探讨了民办高校辅导员队伍建设的迫切性,分析民办高校辅导员队伍建设中存在的问题,并给出了加强民办高校辅导员队伍建设的对策及建议。
[Abstract]:In the 1980s, China's modern private higher education has just started, and there are various kinds of resistance and difficulties in the process of its development. Under the national policy and the private education's own efforts, Today, it has become an important part of higher education in our country. The development of private higher education is not just a tall teaching building, advanced laboratory building, elegant and comfortable dormitory, such hardware facilities. There is also a top-class educational management level of software facilities. Improving the efficiency and quality of student management is an inevitable condition for the development of private colleges and universities. Because of the special system of private colleges and the characteristics of students, we have to have a team of high-quality college counselors with strong ability and excellent comprehensive ability. The overall level and personal quality of counselors in private colleges and universities affect the management ability of students to a great extent. Counselors play an extremely important role in private colleges and universities, which directly affect the quality and steady development of private colleges and universities. Counselors in private colleges are both administrators and teachers, the mainstay of normal teaching order in private colleges and universities, the important participants in the management of students in private colleges and universities, and the backbone of ideological and political education in private colleges and universities in our country. It is also the practitioner of ideological and political education in China's higher education. At the same time, we should recognize the problems existing in the construction of counselors in private colleges and universities, and build a high level, high quality and specialized counselors from the aspects of the improvement of counselors' own quality and the reform of students' management work in private colleges and universities. It is an important guarantee to promote the sustained and healthy development of private colleges and universities. On the basis of extensive study and reference of the existing research results, this paper discusses the urgency of the construction of counselors in private colleges and universities, and analyzes the problems existing in the construction of counselors in private colleges and universities, combining with the concrete practice of private higher education in Shaanxi Province. The countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the construction of counselors in private colleges and universities are also given.


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