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发布时间:2018-05-30 13:13

  本文选题:高校 + 德育 ; 参考:《吉林农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着教育改革的不断深入,德育中的师生关系成为呼声渐高的一个话题。德育中的师生关系是师生在德育过程中,通过交往而形成的相互作用、相互影响的关系。包括彼此思想交流、情感沟通、人格碰撞等相互关系。它是一个与时俱进的动态性概念,是学校发挥德育影响的基本途径。德育中的师生关系具有调控功能、渗透功能、互动功能和社会化功能。 本文以提出问题、分析问题和解决问题为基本脉络,论述了在当前教育改革不断深入的前提下,高校德育师生关系存在问题原因及解决问题的基本途径。本文的整个理论逻辑框架由五部分组成:第一部分为前言。此部分包括本论文选题的依据和来源、国内外对本选题研究的现状、选题的意义和研究方法。第二部分为当代高校德育师生交往关系的现状。分别从德育师生关系的和谐呈现和冲突呈现两方面加以论述,突出论述了德育师生间能够相互尊重、相互合作、相互信任的和谐方面及德育师生间也存在情感淡漠化、交往的手段化、垄断化、选择的偏向化和抽象化等冲突方面。第三部分为高校德育师生交往关系存在问题的原因分析。从外部环境和主体自身两方面进行剖析,外部环境从社会文化信息多元化和不良社会风气及学校的教育体制方面进行阐述,主体自身因素包括高校德育教师和大学生两方面。第四部分为构建高校德育师生和谐交往关系的意义。本部分阐述了构建高校德育师生间和谐交往关系对于高校的发展、对于学生的成长、对于教师本身的成长都具有重要意义。第五部分为构建高校德育师生和谐交往关系的对策。对如何使高校德育师生交往关系趋于和谐进行了探讨,分别从高校德育师生交往关系的社会文化构建、学校及教育体制构建、教师方面的路径和大学生方面的路径入手,有针对性地提出了如何加强德育过程中的师生间的交往关系。纵观当前的形势,构建和谐的德育师生关系现还任重而道远,但只要师生间共同努力,构建以相互关爱为基本立足点,以德育师生间平等为人性基础,以走向理解和沟通为价值取向,以师生的德育对话为现实途径的新型师生关系能够得以实现。研究表明,师生关系的质量在很大程度上影响着教育对象的成长方向和质量。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of educational reform, the relationship between teachers and students in moral education has become a topic of increasing voice. The teacher-student relationship in moral education is the interaction and interaction between teachers and students in the process of moral education. Including the exchange of ideas, emotional communication, personality collision and other mutual relations. It is a dynamic concept of keeping pace with the times and a basic way for schools to exert the influence of moral education. The teacher-student relationship in moral education has the functions of regulation, infiltration, interaction and socialization. This paper discusses the causes of problems in the relationship between teachers and students in moral education in colleges and universities and the basic ways to solve them under the premise of raising problems, analyzing problems and solving problems. The whole theoretical logic framework of this paper consists of five parts: the first part is the preface. This part includes the basis and source of this thesis, the status quo, significance and research methods of this topic. The second part is the present situation of the relationship between teachers and students in moral education in colleges and universities. From the two aspects of harmonious presentation and conflict presentation of the relationship between teachers and students in moral education, this paper highlights that there is also a lack of emotion in the harmonious aspect of mutual trust and mutual trust between teachers and students in moral education, including the ability to respect and cooperate with each other between teachers and students in moral education. Communication means, monopolization, choice bias and abstraction and other aspects of conflict. The third part analyzes the causes of the problems in the relationship between teachers and students in moral education in colleges and universities. This paper analyzes the external environment and the main body from two aspects, the external environment from the social and cultural information diversity and bad social atmosphere and the school's education system, the main body's own factors include university moral education teachers and college students two aspects. The fourth part is the significance of constructing harmonious communication relationship between teachers and students in moral education in colleges and universities. This part expounds the importance of constructing harmonious communication relationship between teachers and students of moral education in colleges and universities for the development of colleges and universities, for the growth of students and for the growth of teachers themselves. The fifth part is the countermeasures of constructing harmonious communication relationship between teachers and students in moral education in colleges and universities. This paper probes into how to make the relationship between teachers and students of moral education in colleges and universities harmonious, starting with the construction of social culture, the construction of school and educational system, the path of teachers and the path of college students, respectively. This paper puts forward how to strengthen the relationship between teachers and students in the process of moral education. Looking at the current situation, there is still a long way to go to build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students in moral education. However, as long as teachers and students work together, take mutual care as the basic foothold and equality between teachers and students as the basis of human nature, The new relationship between teachers and students can be realized with the direction of understanding and communication as the value orientation and the dialogue of moral education between teachers and students as the realistic way. The research shows that the quality of teacher-student relationship affects the growth direction and quality of educational objects to a great extent.


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