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发布时间:2018-05-30 12:48

  本文选题:红色文化 + 人格 ; 参考:《武汉工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着改革开放的不断深入,社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,社会现代化建设正逐步推进。人的现代化是整个社会现代化中的重要一环,是社会现代化的关键,人只有始终跟上社会现代化的节拍,才能充分实现自由和全面的发展,完成自身的现代化。科学发展观指导思想的确定,“以人为本”理念的树立,使我们日益意识到,人不仅是现代化建设的主体,而且也是现代化建设的目的。因而,面对社会现实的巨变,必须努力构建与之相适应的人格。大学生作为未来时代发展的主力军,其人格状况更是直接关系着社会的未来。而当前,价值观念的多元化、利益格局的多层化,使得大学生所面临的各种社会环境日益多变,大学生对此往往无所适从,其人格状况与社会期许相差甚远。因此,,大学生的人格教育问题不容忽视。 文化即人化——依“人”的意义、向人的理想改变着世界和人本身,起着引领风尚、教育人民、塑造人格的作用。目前,我国大学人格教育的当务之急就是发掘资源,创新载体。红色文化作为一种典型的社会主义先进文化,是一种不可多得的教育资源,充分利用好红色文化这一全新载体作为支撑,对大学生人格予以塑造尤其重要。 在对人格、人格教育研究成果予以分析的基础上,结合当代大学生人格及其人格教育现状,从社会发展、高校发展、大学生自身发展三个层面论述了加强当代大学生人格教育的重要性;将红色文化融入到大学生人格教育过程之中,可以充分发挥红色文化在思想、精神、情感、心灵、行为等诸多方面对大学生的教育价值;利用红色文化资源对当代大学生进行人格教育,应遵循历史性与现实性相结合、理论性与实践性相结合、针对性与有效性相结合等六大原则;采取创新理论、改进方法、优化环境、畅通渠道、健全机制、形成合力和完善体系多种有效途径,形成一个比较全面的、操作性较强的教育系统。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening-up and the continuous improvement of socialist market economic system, the construction of social modernization is advancing step by step. The modernization of human beings is an important part of the modernization of the whole society and the key of the modernization of the society. Only by keeping pace with the modernization of the society can man fully realize the free and all-round development and complete the modernization of his own. The determination of the guiding ideology of the scientific development concept and the establishment of the idea of "people-oriented" make us increasingly realize that people are not only the main body of the modernization construction, but also the purpose of the modernization construction. Therefore, in the face of great changes in social reality, we must strive to build a suitable personality. College students as the main force of the development of the future, its personality is directly related to the future of society. At present, the diversification of value concept and the multi-layer of benefit pattern make the social environment of college students more and more changeable. The college students are often at a loss, and their personality status is far from the expectation of the society. Therefore, the personality education of college students can not be ignored. Culture is humanized-according to the meaning of "man", it changes the world and man's ideal and plays the role of leading fashion, educating people and shaping personality. At present, the urgent task of college personality education in China is to explore resources and innovate carriers. Red culture, as a typical socialist advanced culture, is a rare educational resource. It is very important to make full use of red culture as a new carrier to shape the personality of college students. On the basis of analyzing the research results of personality and personality education, combining the status quo of personality and personality education of contemporary college students, from the social development, the development of colleges and universities, This paper discusses the importance of strengthening contemporary college students' personality education from three aspects of college students' own development, integrates red culture into the process of college students' personality education, can give full play to red culture in thought, spirit, emotion and soul. The educational value of behavior and other aspects to college students, the use of red cultural resources to carry out personality education for contemporary college students should follow the combination of history and reality, theory and practice. Six principles, such as combining pertinence and effectiveness, adopting innovative theory, improving methods, optimizing environment, unblocking channels, perfecting mechanism, forming resultant forces and perfecting system, forming a relatively comprehensive, A more operable education system.


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