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发布时间:2018-05-30 19:09

  本文选题:大学 + 教授委员会 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济体制的改革和国力的不断提升,国家对人才的需求越来越大。大学响应国家的号召,扩大招生规模,其办学规模也不断扩大。大学在计划经济体制下形成的高度集中的管理体制已经不能适应大学的发展,因此,建立现代大学制度、深化大学内部管理体制改革成为大学面临的问题。现代大学制度的建设是确立以学术本质为核心,提倡学术自由的价值体系。大学,究其本质而言是学术性机构,教授是学术研究、人才培养和学科发展的中坚力量,他们的学术权力不可忽视。大学内部管理体制的改革和现代大学制度的建设需要通过学术内行的民主管理来实现,让教授拥有学术权力就是途径之一。而大学的教授委员会则是彰显教授学术权力、实现“教授治学”的有效途径,因此教授委员会应运而生。 本文主要以我国大学的教授委员会制度为研究切入点,从调查研究我国大学教授委员会的现状出发,选取15所国内大学作为研究样本,对其教授委员会的现状进行了比较分析。另外,还选取中国和美国各两所大学作为个案研究对象,比较分析中美大学教授委员会组织制度的不同之处以及我国大学教授委员会存在的问题。研究发现,我国大学教授委员会存在教授委员会的定位模糊、组织的运行泛行政化、学院内组织关系错位、教授委员会权力弱化等问题。 针对我国教授委员会存在的问题,本文根据西蒙的决策理论、利益相关者理论和领导的支持关系模式,提出完善我国大学教授委员会组织的路径。本文认为国家首先要建立健全教授治学的相关法律规定,使大学建立教授委员会有法可依,从法律角度保证教授的学术权力。社会要营造以人为本的民主文化环境,提高群众的民主意识。其次,在大学内部,,学校要下放权力,不断整合学术权力和行政权力,使学术权力与行政权力相互制约、相互支持。院系要构建教授委员会民主决策机制。再次,教师个人要不断提升学术水平,杜绝学术腐败,转变观念,营造良好的学术环境和学术氛围。只有社会、大学、教师三者相结合,我国大学的教授委员会制度才能不断完善,我们的高等教育才能向建立现代大学制度的目标不断前进。
[Abstract]:With the reform of economic system and the improvement of national strength, the demand for talents is increasing. In response to the call of the state, universities have expanded their enrollment scale and the scale of their schools. The highly centralized management system formed by the university under the planned economy system can no longer adapt to the development of the university. Therefore, the establishment of the modern university system and the deepening of the reform of the internal management system of the university have become the problems facing the university. The construction of modern university system is a value system that regards academic essence as the core and advocates academic freedom. Universities, in essence, are academic institutions, professors are the backbone of academic research, talent training and discipline development, their academic power can not be ignored. The reform of university internal management system and the construction of modern university system need to be realized through democratic management of academic expertise, and one of the ways is to let professors have academic power. The committee of professors in universities is an effective way to show the academic power of professors and realize "learning by professors", so the committee of professors emerges as the times require. This paper takes the system of university professorship committee in our country as the starting point, starting from the investigation and research on the present situation of university professor committee in our country, selects 15 domestic universities as the research sample, and makes a comparative analysis on the present situation of the committee of professors. In addition, two universities in China and the United States are selected as case studies to compare and analyze the differences in the organizational system of the committee of professors in Chinese and American universities, as well as the problems existing in the committee of university professors in China. It is found that the university professors' committee in our country has some problems, such as the vague orientation of the committee, the pan-administrative operation of the organization, the dislocation of the organizational relationship within the college, the weakening of the power of the committee, and so on. According to Simon's decision theory, stakeholder theory and leadership support relationship model, this paper puts forward the way to perfect the organization of university professors' committee in our country. This paper holds that the state should first establish and improve the relevant legal provisions for professors to study, so that universities can establish professors' committees according to the law, and guarantee the academic power of professors from the legal point of view. The society should build the democratic cultural environment of people-oriented and improve the democratic consciousness of the masses. Secondly, within the university, the university should devolve the power, integrate the academic power and the administrative power constantly, make the academic power and the administrative power restrict each other and support each other. Colleges and departments should set up a democratic decision-making mechanism for the committee of professors. Thirdly, teachers should constantly improve their academic level, put an end to academic corruption, change their ideas, and create a good academic environment and atmosphere. Only with the combination of society, university and teachers, can the system of university professor committee in our country be perfected and our higher education move forward to the goal of establishing modern university system.


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