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发布时间:2018-06-01 00:52

  本文选题:大学生 + 就业 ; 参考:《西南大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着教育体制改革的深入推进,我国高等教育不仅由精英化教育阶段迈向了大众化教育阶段,而且在办学条件、师资队伍、科学研究等方面得到了很大发展。在发展的同时,也出现了一些新情况、新问题,特别是大学生就业模式由“统包统分”和“包当干部”到“供需见面”、“双向选择”的跨越式转变,及当前国际国内的新形势,给大学生带来了严峻的就业压力。大学生就业问题更成为了社会关注的热点。就业是民生之本。大学生作为社会人才资源的重要来源,无论从社会需求,还是从大学生个人成长角度,其就业不仅关系到大学生这一特殊群体的利益,也关系到高等教育的持续、健康、协调发展,还牵动着社会的和谐稳定。要缓解高校大学生就业难题,不仅涉及到经济结构调整、人事制度改革、高等教育教学改革等方方面面的因素,而且迫切需要加强大学生就业指导思想政治教育。针对高校大学生就业中存在的实际问题和困难,开展富有针对性和实效性的思想政治教育,采取切实可行的措施推动高校大学生就业,帮助他们解决就业中遇到的实际问题,对于促进高校大学生及时、充分就业十分重要。本文分三章进行论述。 第一章:大学生就业指导中思想政治教育的基本内容、特征及其意义。从高校大学生就业指导的源起、发展趋势、内涵及大学生就业指导中思想政治教育基本内容和特征与加强大学生就业指导中思想政治教育的重要意义等方面进行了阐述。 第二章:大学生就业指导中思想政治教育现状。从大学生就业指导中思想政治教育地位越来越突出、形式不断创新、内容得到充实、模式基本形成等方面总结了已取得的成效;从大学生就业指导中思想政治教育针对性不强、观念不够与时俱进、方法较为单一陈旧、临时突击现象依然存在等方面总结了大学生就业指导中思想政治教育存在的不容忽视的问题;从对大学生就业指导中思想政治教育认识不到位、作用重视不够、理论研究不够以及联动机制还未形成等方面分析了大学生就业指导中的思想政治教育存在问题的主要原因。 第三章:加强大学生就业指导中思想政治教育的对策。针对大学生就业指导中的思想政治教育存在的突出问题,从树立大学生就业指导思想政治教育新理念,丰富和拓展大学生就业指导中思想政治教育内容,创新大学生就业指导思想政治教育方法,优化大学生就业指导中思想政治教育手段,构建大学生就业指导中思想政治教育长效机制等方面阐述了加强大学生就业指导中思想政治教育的对策。
[Abstract]:With the development of educational system reform, higher education in our country has not only moved from elite education stage to popular education stage, but also has made great progress in terms of running school conditions, teaching staff, scientific research and so on. At the same time of development, there have also been some new problems, especially the leapfrogging transformation of the employment model of college students from "turnkey" and "package as cadres" to "meeting supply and demand" and "two-way choice". And the current international and domestic new situation, has brought the stern employment pressure to the university student. The employment of college students has become the focus of social concern. Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. College students as an important source of social talent resources, whether from the social needs or from the perspective of personal growth of college students, their employment not only relates to the interests of this special group of college students, but also to the continuity and health of higher education. Harmonious development also affects the social harmony and stability. In order to alleviate the employment problem of college students, it is not only related to the adjustment of economic structure, the reform of personnel system, the reform of higher education and so on, but also the urgent need to strengthen the ideological and political education of college students' employment guidance. In view of the practical problems and difficulties existing in college students' employment, we should carry out targeted and effective ideological and political education, take practical measures to promote the employment of college students, and help them solve the practical problems encountered in employment. It is very important to promote the timely and full employment of college students. This paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one: the basic content, characteristics and significance of ideological and political education in college students' employment guidance. This paper expounds the origin, development trend, connotation, basic contents and characteristics of ideological and political education in college students' employment guidance and the significance of strengthening ideological and political education in college students' employment guidance. Chapter two: the present situation of ideological and political education in employment guidance of college students. From the aspects of the status of ideological and political education in the employment guidance of college students, the status of ideological and political education is more and more prominent, the form is constantly innovated, the content is enriched, the mode is basically formed, and so on, the effect of ideological and political education on college students' employment guidance is not strong. The idea does not keep pace with the times, the method is relatively single old, the temporary assault phenomenon still exists, and so on, summed up the ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment problems can not be ignored; This paper analyzes the main reasons for the problems of ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment from the following aspects: lack of understanding of ideological and political education, insufficient attention to its role, insufficient theoretical research and the formation of linkage mechanism. The third chapter: strengthen the ideological and political education in the employment guidance of college students. In view of the outstanding problems existing in the ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment, this paper sets up a new concept of ideological and political education for college students' employment guidance, enriches and expands the contents of ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment. Innovating the methods of ideological and political education in college students' employment guidance, optimizing the means of ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment, This paper expounds the countermeasures to strengthen the ideological and political education in the employment guidance of college students from the aspects of constructing the long-term mechanism of ideological and political education in the guidance of college students' employment.


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