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发布时间:2018-06-01 01:43

  本文选题:工科大学 + 人文教育缺失 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校的主要任务是育人,培养什么样的人、怎样培养人是每一所高校要解决的主要问题。随着科学技术的发展,当代凸显出来的许多自然社会问题,如个人隐私、民族文化发展、网民道德人格、信息污染、信息欺诈、公共信息安全等方面的信息伦理问题,基因研究与专利、基因技术研究的安全性、克隆人及胚胎干细胞研究、基因歧视与种族歧视、人的生物特征改变和人的生命时间延长期限等生命伦理学问题。这些问题暴露出我国大学教育中人文教育的缺失。高校是我国培养高级人才的主阵地,,过去人们常常谈到对小学生、中学生的素质教育,其实对大学生的思想品德、人文素质和科学精神的培养问题也非常的重要。 大学教育按照门类可以分为工科教育和人文教育两大类,其中工科教育凭借能迅速转化为生产力,促进经济发展的优势很大程度上促进了生产力的发展和经济水平的提高,学科优势导致了许多工科大学的产生,工科大学的大量产生从内外两个方面造成了对人文学科教育的忽视。2010年7月我党制定的《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》指出:重视高校创新性人才和专业技术人才的培养,注重人才的综合素质。工科大学对人文教育的忽视显然与这一人才培养要求相悖,不利于大学教育健康发展。 针对我国工科大学人文教育缺失的现象,本文作者用文献研究法和历史分析方法对国内外相关研究成果进行分析,对工科教育和人文教育进行系统的分析和比较,从教育学、文化学中去寻找两者融合的依据。根据我国具体情况,经过系统的讨论后寻找切实有效的融合途径。针对很多工科大学的学生对于为什么要发展文科,文科在工科大学到底有何意义以及怎样使两者融合发展的疑问,本文分为五个部分,分别从以下几个方面展开论述:1、对高校工科教育和人文教育进行详尽的界定和描述。2、从历史和现状来分析两者的共通性,寻求融合的历史和现实依据。3、从教育的本质、人才培养、高校发展等角度来分析融合的必然要求。4、分析影响两者融合的要素。5、从教育学、社会文化学、哲学、伦理学的角度出发找出解决问题的方法和途径。希望通过本文的研究,来帮助解决我国高校在实际教学过程中理工科学和人文科学的融合问题,敦促高校培养出适应国家和社会发展需要的高素质合格人才。
[Abstract]:The main task of colleges and universities is to educate people, what kind of people to cultivate, how to train people is the main problem to be solved in every university. With the development of science and technology, many natural and social problems, such as personal privacy, national culture development, Internet users' moral personality, information pollution, information fraud, public information security, etc. Bioethics issues such as gene research and patents, safety of genetic technology, cloning of human beings and embryonic stem cells, genetic discrimination and racial discrimination, changes in human biological characteristics and life span. These problems expose the deficiency of humanities education in university education in our country. Colleges and universities are the main position of cultivating senior talents in our country. In the past, people often talked about the quality education for pupils and middle school students. In fact, it is also very important for the cultivation of ideological and moral character, humanistic quality and scientific spirit of college students. The university education can be divided into engineering education and humanities education according to the category, in which engineering education can be quickly transformed into productivity, and the advantage of promoting economic development has greatly promoted the development of productive forces and the improvement of economic level. The advantages of disciplines have led to the emergence of many engineering universities, The mass production of engineering universities has caused the neglect of humanities education from both internal and external aspects. In July 2010, our Party formulated the outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term talents Development Plan, which pointed out that we should attach importance to the cultivation of innovative talents and professional and technical talents in colleges and universities. Pay attention to the comprehensive quality of talents. The neglect of humanities education in engineering universities is obviously contrary to the requirements of this talent training and is not conducive to the healthy development of university education. In view of the lack of humanistic education in engineering universities in China, the author uses the methods of literature research and historical analysis to analyze the relevant research results at home and abroad, and makes a systematic analysis and comparison between engineering education and humanities education, from the point of view of pedagogy. In culturology, to find the basis for the fusion of the two. According to the concrete situation of our country, after the systematic discussion, the effective fusion way is found. In view of the questions raised by many students in engineering universities about why to develop liberal arts, what is the meaning of liberal arts in engineering universities and how to integrate the two, this paper is divided into five parts. Discuss respectively from the following several aspects: 1, define and describe in detail the engineering education and humanities education in colleges and universities, analyze the commonality of the two from the history and the present situation, seek the historical and realistic basis for the integration, and from the essence of education, This paper analyzes the inevitable requirements of integration from the angles of talent training and university development, and analyzes the factors that affect the integration of the two. It tries to find out the ways and means to solve the problems from the angles of pedagogy, social culture, philosophy and ethics. It is hoped that the research in this paper will help to solve the problem of the integration of science and technology science and humanities in the actual teaching process of colleges and universities in our country, and urge colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality qualified personnel who can meet the needs of the development of the country and the society.


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