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发布时间:2018-06-01 18:59

  本文选题:大学软实力 + 办学理念 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,,我国高等教育发展步伐加快,高校的“硬实力”建设取得了巨大成就。然而,相比之下高校的“软实力”建设相对滞后,在办学理念、培养方式等方面较世界一流大学差距还很大。党的十八大报告提出了要“激发全民族文化创造力,提高国家文化软实力”的战略决策,将大学软实力建设提升到新的高度,为大学建设提出了新的历史使命。大学纷纷倡导营造大学文化氛围,培育大学精神,将大学软实软实力建设过程中部分高校出现了办学目标功利化、办学特色不足、定位脱离现实、学生德育教育缺失等问题,这些问题最终限制了大学软实力的提升。 本文首先从大学精神、大学制度、大学形象以及大学文化四个方面阐释了大学软实力的内涵,指出了大学软实力的载体性、相对稳定性、不断创新性以及难以复制性等特点。研究了我国大学软实力建设过程中存在的办学理念缺少特色、定位脱离实际、大学精神普遍缺失、大学行为文化失范以及大学管理行政化等问题,并从观念、经济以及制度三个方面探析了产生上述问题的原因。同时,针对我国大学软实力建设过程中存在的问题,选取二所世界一流大学(英国剑桥大学、美国哈佛大学)进行软实力研究,分析总结二所大学在大学精神、办学理念、培养方式等方面的举措。在此基色、明确自身定位、培育大学名师、熔铸品牌意识、创新管理制度、优化校园文化环境、加深校际交流与合作等对策建议,以促进我国大学软实力的建设,进而促进我国大学综合竞争力的提升。
[Abstract]:Since reform and opening up, the pace of development of higher education in China has been accelerated, and the construction of "hard power" in colleges and universities has made great achievements. However, the construction of "soft power" in colleges and universities is relatively lagging behind. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China puts forward the strategic decision to "stimulate the cultural creativity of the whole nation and improve the soft power of the national culture", elevates the construction of the university's soft power to a new height, and puts forward a new historical mission for the construction of the university. Universities advocate to create university culture atmosphere and cultivate university spirit one after another. In the process of university soft power construction, some universities have some problems such as utilitarian running goal, lack of school characteristics, deviation from reality, lack of moral education of students and so on. These problems ultimately limit the promotion of university soft power. This paper first explains the connotation of university soft power from four aspects of university spirit, university system, university image and university culture, and points out the characteristics of university soft power, such as carrier, relative stability, constant innovation and hard to replicate. This paper studies the problems existing in the process of university soft power construction in our country, such as the lack of characteristics of the idea of running a school, the deviation of orientation from reality, the general lack of university spirit, the anomie of university behavior culture and the administration of university management, and so on. Economic and institutional analysis of the three aspects of the reasons for the above-mentioned problems. At the same time, in view of the problems existing in the construction of soft power of universities in China, two world-class universities (Cambridge University, Harvard University) are selected to carry out the soft power research, and to analyze and summarize the spirit and concept of two universities in running a university. Training methods and other measures. In order to promote the construction of soft power of universities in our country, we should make clear our own position, cultivate famous university teachers, create brand consciousness, innovate management system, optimize campus cultural environment, deepen inter-school communication and cooperation, etc. And then promote the promotion of comprehensive competitiveness of universities in China.


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