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发布时间:2018-06-01 21:03

  本文选题:大学生 + 廉政文化 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:预防腐败需要防止腐败蔓延的廉政文化,也需要公众自身高尚的廉政意识。意识指导行为,高尚的廉政意识能指引公众在处理事情时清正廉洁,奉公守法。廉政文化是文化的重要组成部分。传播廉政文化,,增强大学生廉政意识,指导大学生社会实践,使其走入社会后能遵守法律法规,社会公德,职业道德,家庭美德,净化校园,改善社会环境。 本文分六个部分来阐述大学生廉政文化传播。 第一部分主要概述了国内外廉政文化的研究成果、大学生廉政文化传播研究的意义、作用及本文的创新之处。 第二部分阐述了对当代大学生传播廉政文化的意义,说明对大学生传播廉政文化的重要性和必要性。 第三部分概括大学生廉政文化传播的内容,丰富廉政文化传播内容有利于提高传播效果。 第四部分分析了当代大学生廉政文化传播的基本原则和特点,为廉政文化的传播提供了活动准则和依据。 第五部分分析当代大学生廉政文化传播存在的问题,分析问题所在才能完善大学生廉政文化传播活动。 第六部分主要探索提高传播效果的途径和方法,从而更深入推进廉政文化在大学生中的传播,提高大学生廉政意识。
[Abstract]:Preventing corruption requires a clean government culture that prevents corruption from spreading, as well as a noble sense of integrity on the part of the public. Consciousness guides behavior, a noble sense of integrity can guide the public in dealing with matters clean and clean, law-abiding. Clean government culture is an important part of culture. We should spread the culture of clean government, strengthen the consciousness of clean government of college students, guide the social practice of college students, and make them abide by laws and regulations, social morality, professional ethics, family virtue, purify campus and improve social environment. This article is divided into six parts to expound the spread of clean government culture of college students. The first part mainly summarizes the research results of clean government culture at home and abroad, the significance, function and innovation of this paper. The second part expounds the significance of spreading clean government culture to contemporary college students, and explains the importance and necessity of spreading clean government culture to college students. The third part summarizes the content of college students' clean government culture communication, enriching the content of clean government culture communication is helpful to improve the communication effect. The fourth part analyzes the basic principles and characteristics of the communication of clean government culture of contemporary college students, and provides the activity criterion and basis for the spread of clean government culture. The fifth part analyzes the problems existing in the communication of contemporary college students' clean government culture, and analyzes the problems in order to perfect the communication activities of college students' clean government culture. The sixth part mainly explores the ways and methods to improve the effect of communication, so as to further promote the spread of clean government culture among college students, and improve the awareness of clean government of college students.


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