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发布时间:2018-06-02 10:56

  本文选题:西部民族高校 + 大学生 ; 参考:《东北林业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,人类面临的最大问题是地球的生态环境日益恶化。在这种情况下,人类迫切希望找到一条人与自然和谐的发展之路。十七大报告首次提出生态文明的概念,加强生态文明教育,提高全民族的生态道德。同时也倡导培育全民族生态环保意识,使人们对生态环境的保护转化为自觉行动,为我国生态文明建设奠定坚实的基础。可以说,生态文明是落实我国科学发展观的迫切要求,是加快西部地区乃至全国经济和谐持续发展的前提条件。 我国西部地区生态脆弱,自然环境条件差,生态环境污染也非常严重。由于生态问题和历史原因,致使东西两地区的经济社会发展出现了较大的贫富差距,从而影响了国民经济的整体均衡发展和社会的安定团结。由于长时间缺乏生态道德意识和生态文明观念的支撑,人们生态文明观念淡薄,以及生态环境恶化使得人们对生态环境失去信心,最终导致生态环境恶化的趋势未能从根本上得到遏制。要想从根本上解决问题西部区域的生态文明意识,我们必须引入道德关心人与自然的关系,树立正确的生态文明理念,形成良好的生态美德。而高校作为国家的人才培养基地,对大学生进行生态文明观教育是尤为必要的,使其树立正确的生态文明观并提高生态文明认识,使其建立相应的未来发展生态文明理念,不仅是提高大学生综合素质的重要任务也应该成为西部民族高校的教育目标之一,这将直接关系到我国西部大开发的建设以及和谐社会建设及可持续发展目标的实现,更关系到人类社会的发展、人类自身生存等重大问题的解决。所以加强西部民族高校大学生生态文明观念教育必须成了高校德育的时代主题,生态文明社会建设的必然选择。本文从生态文明观教育概述入手,在探讨生态文明观教育的基础上对当前西部民族高校大学生在生态文明观念存在的问题进行调查、分析。并进行研究,争取研究出提高西部民族高校大学生的生态文明观念的对策。
[Abstract]:Since entering the 21 st century, the biggest problem that mankind faces is that the ecological environment of the earth is deteriorating day by day. In this case, human beings are eager to find a way of harmonious development between man and nature. The report of the 17th National Congress puts forward the concept of ecological civilization for the first time, strengthens the education of ecological civilization, and improves the ecological morality of the whole nation. At the same time, it also advocates the cultivation of the whole nation's awareness of ecological environmental protection, so that people's protection of the ecological environment can be transformed into conscious action, thus laying a solid foundation for the construction of ecological civilization in China. It can be said that ecological civilization is the urgent requirement of carrying out the scientific development view of our country and the precondition of accelerating the harmonious and sustainable development of the western region and even the whole country. In western China, the ecological environment is fragile, the natural environment is poor, and the ecological environment pollution is very serious. As a result of ecological problems and historical reasons, the economic and social development of the east and west areas has appeared a big gap between the rich and the poor, thus affecting the overall balanced development of the national economy and the stability and unity of the society. Because of the lack of ecological moral consciousness and the support of ecological civilization for a long time, people's concept of ecological civilization is weak, and the deterioration of ecological environment makes people lose confidence in ecological environment. Ultimately, the trend leading to the deterioration of the ecological environment has not been fundamentally curbed. In order to fundamentally solve the problem of ecological civilization in the western region, we must introduce moral concern for the relationship between man and nature, establish a correct concept of ecological civilization, and form a good ecological virtue. As a national talent training base, it is particularly necessary for colleges and universities to carry out ecological civilization education for college students, so that they can set up a correct ecological civilization view and raise the understanding of ecological civilization, so that they can establish the corresponding concept of developing ecological civilization in the future. It is not only an important task to improve the comprehensive quality of college students, but also one of the educational goals of universities for nationalities in western China, which is directly related to the construction of the development of the western region, the construction of a harmonious society and the realization of the goal of sustainable development. More related to the development of human society, human survival and other major issues. Therefore, strengthening the concept of ecological civilization of college students in western universities for nationalities must become the theme of moral education in colleges and universities, and the inevitable choice for the construction of ecological civilization society. This paper begins with an overview of the education of ecological civilization, and on the basis of discussing the education of ecological civilization, makes an investigation and analysis of the problems existing in the concept of ecological civilization of college students in western national colleges and universities. In order to improve the concept of ecological civilization of ethnic college students in western China, the countermeasures are studied.


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