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发布时间:2018-06-02 15:53

  本文选题:大学生 + 校园文化 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在国际经济全球一体化和世界政治多极化趋势,国内市场经济不断开拓和深化,社会主义市场经济体制不断完善国际国内背景下,各种西方西化、分化思潮,西方价值观,西方的生活方式不断冲击的大学生的思想,我国面临着与西方争夺下一代的严峻挑战。国家越来越重视加强高校大学生的思想政治教育,为社会主义现代化建设培养合格的建设者和接班人。 综观国家颁布的《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》,《关于进一步加强高等学校校园文化建设的意见》,《2011-2015年全国红色旅游发展规划》一系列政策文件,笔者认为,将红色文化引入校园文化建设中,把高校校园红色文化建设作为思想政治教育的新形式,将有助于其在校园文化熏陶下,感受到建国建党的艰苦奋斗历程,理解中国革命和建设中红色文化的精髓,这将有利于促建大学生理想信念的形成,强化爱国主义,集体主义情感,激发学生投身社会主义现代化建设的责任感和使命感,改变目前高校思想政治教育的工作现状。 论文分为四大部分: 第一部分主要分析了校园文化的含义和构成,红色文化的内涵和深刻意义,山此得出校园红色文化的含义与构成,有针对性的寻找校园文化与红色文化的结合点,划清了校园红色文化建设的范畴。 第三部分论述了校园红色文化与思想政治教育的关系,分析了校园红色文化的思想政治教育功能以及校园红色文化建设在思想政治教育中的作用、意义。 第三部分从高校校园红色文化建设的现状入手,剖析了目前高校校园红色文化建设存在的问题,认为该校校园红色文化建随意性强规划性少,多形式少内容,机制也不完善,还没有形成系统化的建设体系。 第四部分试图回答建设高校校园红色文化,发抨其思想政治教育作用的途径和对策,认为校园红色文化建设是校园文化建设的组成部分,是思想政治教育的新形式和有效途径。这部分从高校红色物质文化建设、高校校园红色精神文化建设、高校校园红色制度文化建设、高校校园红色行为文化这四个方面分别详细的论述具体的路径对策,积极推动高校校园红色文化建设,构建和谐校园。
[Abstract]:In the context of the global integration of the international economy and the multipolarization of world politics, the continuous development and deepening of the domestic market economy, the continuous improvement of the socialist market economic system, the westernization of the West, the polarization of the trend of thought, and the values of the West, Our country is facing the challenge of competing for the next generation with the western way of life. The state pays more and more attention to strengthening the ideological and political education of college students and training qualified constructors and successors for socialist modernization. In view of the opinions on further strengthening and improving the ideological and political Education of College students promulgated by the State, the opinions on further strengthening the Construction of Campus Culture in Colleges and Universities, and the National Red Tourism Development Plan for 2011-2015, the author holds that, Introducing the red culture into the campus culture construction and taking the red culture construction of the university campus as a new form of ideological and political education will help it to experience the arduous course of founding the Party under the influence of the campus culture. Understanding the essence of red culture in China's revolution and construction will help to promote the formation of ideals and beliefs among college students, strengthen patriotism and collectivism, and stimulate students' sense of responsibility and mission to join the socialist modernization drive. To change the current situation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The thesis is divided into four parts: The first part mainly analyzes the meaning and composition of campus culture, the connotation and profound significance of red culture, draws the meaning and composition of campus red culture, and finds out the combination point of campus culture and red culture. Delimit the scope of campus red culture construction. The third part discusses the relationship between campus red culture and ideological and political education, analyzes the ideological and political education function of campus red culture and the function and significance of campus red culture construction in ideological and political education. The third part starts with the current situation of the red culture construction on the campus of colleges and universities, analyzes the problems existing in the construction of the red culture on the campus at present, and thinks that the construction of the red culture on the campus of this school is less planning, less form and less content, and the mechanism is not perfect. No systematic construction system has yet been formed. The fourth part tries to answer the ways and countermeasures of constructing the red culture of university campus, and puts forward the ways and countermeasures of its function of ideological and political education. It holds that the construction of red culture on campus is a component part of the construction of campus culture, and it is a new form and effective way of ideological and political education. This part discusses in detail the specific path countermeasures from four aspects: the construction of red material culture, the construction of campus red spiritual culture, the construction of university campus red system culture, and the campus red behavior culture. Actively promote the construction of red culture in colleges and universities, and build a harmonious campus.


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