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发布时间:2018-06-03 08:13

  本文选题:高等院校 + 理科 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在经济全球化、教育国际化的背景之下,社会不仅仅需要的是具有扎实专业基础的应用型人才,更需求的是既懂得专业知识又能熟练应用外语进行交流的复合型人才。为了提高我国高素质人才的英语交际能力以及英语思维能力,双语教学作为一种培养复合型人才的手段步入了高等教育的舞台。双语教学自2001年开展以来受到各类高校的关注,在双语教学的概念、目的、模式等方面已经有了一定的基础和成就。 高等院校开展的双语课程涉及工科、文科、理科、商科、医学类、管理类等专业。本文通过调查问卷以及访谈等形式,对双语教学过程中涉及的教育元素、教学环节等进行了调查。在对有关文献以及数据分析研究的基础上,归纳总结了理科双语教学过程中存在的问题,并从理论和实践两方面对高校理科双语教学过程中存在的问题进行探讨。本文共分为五个部分: 第一部分:引言。提出开展双语教学的必要性,介绍国外双语教学的发展情况,论述我国目前双语教学的研究现状,陈述研究的思路和切入点。 第二部分:诠释双语教学的相关基本理论,为研究提供理论支持。 第三部分:通过对调查问卷进行分析,总结归纳目前高校在理科双语教学过程中存在的问题。 第四部分:通过研究高校理科双语教学过程中存在的问题,从加大师生认识、双语校园建设、师资队伍建设、双语教材建设以及管理与监督等方面展开讨论并提出建议。 第五部分:在总结全文的基础上指出了本次研究的不足,为后续的研究提出建议。
[Abstract]:Under the background of globalization of economy and internationalization of education, society needs not only applied talents with solid professional foundation, but also complex talents who know both professional knowledge and skillful use of foreign languages for communication. In order to improve the English communicative ability and English thinking ability of high quality talents, bilingual teaching has stepped into the stage of higher education as a means of cultivating compound talents. Bilingual teaching has been concerned by all kinds of colleges and universities since it was launched in 2001, and has already had certain foundation and achievement in the concept, purpose and mode of bilingual teaching. Bilingual courses in colleges and universities involve engineering, liberal arts, science, business, medicine, management and so on. In this paper, the educational elements and teaching links involved in bilingual teaching are investigated by questionnaire and interview. Based on the analysis of relevant literature and data, this paper summarizes the problems existing in bilingual teaching of science, and probes into the problems in bilingual teaching of science in colleges and universities from two aspects: theory and practice. This paper is divided into five parts: The first part: introduction. This paper puts forward the necessity of developing bilingual teaching, introduces the development of bilingual teaching in foreign countries, discusses the present research situation of bilingual teaching in China, and states the ideas and breakthrough points of the research. The second part: explain the basic theory of bilingual teaching, and provide theoretical support for the research. The third part: through the questionnaire analysis, summarizes and summarizes the existing problems in the bilingual teaching of science in colleges and universities. The fourth part: by studying the problems existing in bilingual teaching of science in colleges and universities, the author discusses and puts forward some suggestions from the aspects of enhancing the understanding of teachers and students, building bilingual campus, building the teaching staff, building bilingual teaching materials, and managing and supervising. The fifth part: on the basis of summing up the full text, pointed out the shortcomings of this study, and put forward some suggestions for the follow-up study.


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