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发布时间:2018-06-03 17:58

  本文选题:学生学习情况 + 宿舍文化建设 ; 参考:《中国高等教育》2015年Z1期

[Abstract]:Colleges and universities need to build up people according to the law of college students' growth in three aspects: ideological guidance, dormitory culture construction and the monitoring of the whole process of study. The cultivation of talents in colleges and universities can take the construction of dormitory culture at the grass-roots level as the starting point, create a positive cultural atmosphere and give full play to the cultural education and educating function of the dormitory. College education in classroom teaching is far from enough. The contribution of multiple and effective interaction between teachers and students to students' growth is a key factor. The outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan 2010-2012. "We should focus on improving the social responsibility of students to serve the people of the country". The report of the 18th National Congress pointed out that "to build up people with moral integrity as a person"
【作者单位】: 高等教育质量建设协同创新中心;


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