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发布时间:2018-06-04 07:00

  本文选题:师范生 + 研究型实习模式 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Teacher education in our country is on the way of specialization, and the focus of our work is to train teachers with professional standards. An excellent teacher should have solid professional knowledge and excellent teaching skills, and classroom teaching skills are an important part of teachers' teaching ability, and classroom teaching effect mainly depends on the level of teachers' classroom teaching skills. As a teacher-training student who is about to enter the classroom, the teaching practice provides a favorable platform for the improvement of their classroom teaching skills. The author takes the students of chemical education major in Qufu normal University as the research object, uses the "free normal college students' research practice model" as reference, and adopts the LICC classroom observation mode. By observing the development of classroom teaching skills of chemistry normal students in our university under the practice mode, we can find out the effective methods to improve the classroom teaching skills of normal students. Therefore, it is very valuable to study the development of classroom teaching skills of normal students in this mode. This paper mainly includes five parts: the first part introduces the reason, background and significance of the research, and briefly describes the research ideas and methods. In the second part, some concepts are defined, and then the related researches on teaching skills and educational practice are briefly summarized. The third part introduces the training method of the chemistry normal students' teaching skills, designs the questionnaire, investigates the situation of the chemistry normal students' classroom teaching skills after the training, and analyzes the concrete problems and reasons of the normal school students' classroom teaching skills. The fourth part is the stage of research-oriented education practice. According to the procedure of classroom observation, the development of normal students' classroom teaching skills is analyzed. The fifth step, summarizes the research results, and puts forward the corresponding suggestions to help normal students improve their classroom teaching skills.


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