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发布时间:2018-06-04 06:23

  本文选题:高等教育研究所 + 电子科技大学 ; 参考:《中国高等教育》2013年21期

[Abstract]:The Institute of higher Education of the University of Positron Science and Technology is a professional academic research institution, which mainly carries out academic research, decision-making consultation and talent training. As a characteristic "985" university, the school has always attached importance to the study of the basic law of the development of higher education in educational practice, especially in the "outstanding engineer" talent training has emerged many innovative models. As early as the beginning of reform and opening up, the University of Electronic Science and Technology established the Institute of higher Education, which mainly carried out basic research around the education of engineering science in China. In recent years, according to the strategic requirement of promoting the reform of higher education, the Party and government leaders attach great importance to the research of higher education. Personally by the principal responsible comrade


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1 左雪丽;日本“21世纪COE计划”研究[D];吉林大学;2009年




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