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发布时间:2018-06-05 00:01

  本文选题:高等学校 + 学生管理 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校作为国家的重要教育基地,是为国家培养高素质人才和提高科研水平的基础。随着社会经济的不断进步和高等教育的快速发展,我国的高等教育也从精英式教育转变到国际公认的大众化教育发展阶段,大学生的数量迅速增加,价值观也趋于多元化,思想和行为的差异较大,给高校学生管理工作带来了诸多的新情况和新问题。因此,开展高校学生管理工作研究,探索高等学校学生管理工作新模式,具有重要的现实意义和实际应用价值。 本文从高校学生管理工作的职能、特点、实施及目标几个方面阐述了高校学生管理工作的内容,讨论了我国高校学生管理工作的历史演变过程,分析了我国高校学生管理工作的现状 文章在研究高校学生管理工作模式发展及现状的基础上,重点研究了高校学生管理工作中存在的问题,从学生管理工作的观念、体制建设、管理人员队伍建设、管理经费、服务型管理机构的设置及学生主体的自我管理能力和社会力量的参与等几个方面阐述了学生管理工作模式改革的重要性和必要性,针对这些问题提出了初步的改进建议。 针对高等教育的特点和目前高校学生管理工作存在的问题,论文中提出了对高校学生管理工作模式的创新探索。从关注个体差异和个体发展的角度创新高校学生管理工作理念;强调以人为本的管理理念,增强高校学生管理工作中的服务理念,建立新型的高等学校学生工作管理体制;运用依法治校创新学生管理工作的方法;利用信息化技术改进和改善高校学生管理工作的方法,提高高校学生管理工作人员的工作效率和工作效果;提出精致化管理的手段,细化了学生管理工作,积极推行模块化管理的新模式。
[Abstract]:As an important educational base, colleges and universities are the basis of cultivating high quality talents and improving scientific research level for the country. With the continuous progress of social economy and the rapid development of higher education, the higher education in our country has also changed from the elite education to the internationally recognized stage of popular education. The number of college students is increasing rapidly, and the values are becoming diversified. The difference between thought and behavior brings many new situations and problems to the management of college students. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and practical value to carry out the research on student management in colleges and universities and to explore a new mode of student management in colleges and universities. This paper expounds the contents of student management in colleges and universities from the aspects of its functions, characteristics, implementation and objectives, and discusses the historical evolution of student management in colleges and universities in China. This paper analyzes the present situation of student management in colleges and universities in China. On the basis of studying the development and present situation of student management work mode in colleges and universities, this paper focuses on the problems existing in student management work in colleges and universities, including the concept of student management work, the construction of system, the construction of management staff, and the management of funds. This paper expounds the importance and necessity of the reform of student management work mode from the establishment of service-oriented management organization and the students' main body's self-management ability and the participation of social forces, and puts forward some preliminary suggestions for improving these problems. In view of the characteristics of higher education and the problems existing in the management of college students at present, the paper puts forward an innovative exploration of the mode of student management in colleges and universities. From the angle of paying attention to individual difference and individual development, we should innovate the management idea of college students, emphasize the idea of people-oriented management, strengthen the service idea in the management of college students, and establish a new management system of student work in colleges and universities. The methods of innovating the students' management by law, improving and improving the students' management by using the information technology, improving the work efficiency and the working effect of the students' management staff in colleges and universities are put forward, and the means of improving the management are put forward. Detailed student management work, actively promote the new mode of modular management.


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