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发布时间:2018-06-05 13:13

  本文选题:女大学生 + 人际交往 ; 参考:《沈阳航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:人际交往问题是女大学生的重要生活问题,影响着女大学生学习效率、生活质量和心理健康。从女大学生主观上来讲,她们希望能够建立良好人际关系并渴望在人际关系中获得激励、培养自信和有归属感。但是,现实并不尽如人意,,我国女大学生人际关系状况整体上不是很乐观,阻碍女大学生人际交往的不和谐因素依然存在,这给她们的生活质量、学习效率、心理健康等方面带来负面效应。因此,女大学生人际交往问题不容忽视,我国学界对女大学生人际交往问题已开始关注,但尚没有给予足够的重视,还没有人从教育视角对女大学生人际交往问题进行系统的、全面的和专门的研究,这是我国思想政治教育领域的一个缺憾,本论文的主要目的就是进行这方面的尝试。 本论文共分为六部分: 第一部分“绪论”,是本文论题的提出和已有研究成果的评价,阐明了此研究的必要性和可能性,在此基础上,明确本文的研究方法和基本思路。 第二部分“女大学生人际交往相关理论”,与男大学生和女研究生相比较的基础上,得出女大学生人际交往的特点以及良好的人际交往关系对女大学生成长、成才的作用。 第三部分,通过调查问卷分析女大学生人际交往的现状。 第四部分,在现状基础上,分析影响女大学生人际交往的主客观因素。 第五部分,通过对女大学生人际交往影响因素的分析,探索女大学生和谐人际关系构建的教育路径。教育是立体的,需要发挥教育者和受教育者自身的内化教育作用。二者的互动需要教育载体充当沟通的桥梁,要利用思想政治教育组织载体、传媒载体、内容载体和心理教育载体的作用。这样,女大学生人际交往研究才更具有科学性和时效性。 第六部分,结论。对本文中阐述的观点进行了概括总结。
[Abstract]:Interpersonal communication is an important life problem for female college students, which affects their learning efficiency, quality of life and mental health. From the subjective point of view, female college students hope to establish good interpersonal relationships and desire to be motivated in interpersonal relationships, to cultivate self-confidence and a sense of belonging. However, the reality is not satisfactory, the overall situation of female college students' interpersonal relationship is not very optimistic, and the disharmonious factors that hinder the female college students' interpersonal communication still exist, which gives them the quality of life, learning efficiency, Mental health and other aspects bring negative effects. Therefore, the problem of female college students' interpersonal communication can not be ignored. Our academic circles have begun to pay attention to the problem of female college students' interpersonal communication, but they have not paid enough attention to it, and no one has systematically studied the problem of female college students' interpersonal communication from the perspective of education. Comprehensive and special research, this is a defect in the field of ideological and political education in China, the main purpose of this paper is to try this aspect. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part of "introduction", It is the proposition of this thesis and the evaluation of the existing research results, and expounds the necessity and possibility of this research. On the basis of this, it clarifies the research methods and basic ideas of this paper. The second part is the related theory of female college students' interpersonal communication. On the basis of comparison with male college students and female graduate students, it is concluded that the characteristics of female college students' interpersonal communication and the effect of good interpersonal relationships on the growth and development of female college students. The fourth part, on the basis of the present situation, analyzes the subjective and objective factors that influence the female college students' interpersonal communication. To explore the educational path of constructing harmonious interpersonal relationship among female college students. Education is three-dimensional, it needs to play the role of educator and educatee itself internalized education. The interaction between them needs the education carrier to act as the bridge of communication, and the role of the ideological and political education organization carrier, the media carrier, the content carrier and the psychological education carrier. In this way, the study of female college students' interpersonal communication is more scientific and timely. The views expounded in this paper are summarized.


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