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发布时间:2018-06-05 16:18

  本文选题:思想政治理论课教师 + 大学生理论社团 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:思想政治理论课教师是中国高等院校一支特殊的队伍。他们既像其他学科的教师一样,担负着“传道、授业、解惑”的职责,又肩负着培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人的重任。因此,思想政治理论课教师不仅在课堂上传授知识,而且,需要在“第二课堂”发挥对大学生的有效指导作用。大学生理论社团是思想政治理论课的实践载体。随着大学生政治意识的强化,大学生理论社团在数量、规模、影响力等方面均呈现出上升的势头。大学生理论社团的宗旨和思想政治理论课教师的职责不谋而合。本研究旨在深入探究:在大学生理论社团中思想政治理论课教师的角色如何定位?怎样建立起思想政治理论课教师与大学生理论社团良性互动机制?等问题。 本研究从概念入手,阐述了高校思想政治理论课和大学生理论社团的概念和特点。梳理了有关大学生理论社团师生互动的研究成果,在总结优秀大学生理论社团经验的基础上,比较系统地描述了大学生理论社团师生互动的现状。特别是运用社会互动理论剖析了互动过程,挖掘出影响良性互动机制的因素,将大学生理论社团师生互动机制划分为:动力机制、运行机制和调控机制。提出在思想政治教育“大课堂”和形成“合力”的视角下,从教师、学生和社会多个方向出发,共同努力使得良性互动成为常态。
[Abstract]:The teachers of ideological and political theory course are a special team in Chinese colleges and universities. Like teachers of other disciplines, they are responsible for "preaching, teaching, and resolving doubts", and they are also shouldering the important task of training qualified constructors and reliable successors of socialist cause. Therefore, the teachers of ideological and political theory not only impart knowledge in the classroom, but also play an effective guiding role in the "second classroom" for college students. The college student theory association is the practical carrier of the ideological and political theory course. With the strengthening of college students' political consciousness, the number, scale and influence of college students' theoretical societies are on the rise. The purpose of the college student theory association coincides with the duty of the ideological and political theory teacher. The purpose of this study is to explore: how to position the role of the ideological and political theory teacher in the college students' theoretical community? How to establish a benign interaction mechanism between the teachers of ideological and political theory and the theoretical associations of college students? And so on. This research starts with the concept, expounds the concept and characteristic of the ideological and political theory course and the college student theory association. This paper combs the research results of teacher-student interaction in theoretical societies of college students, and on the basis of summing up the experiences of excellent theoretical societies of college students, systematically describes the current situation of teacher-student interaction in theoretical societies of college students. In particular, the author analyzes the interaction process by using the social interaction theory, excavates out the factors that influence the benign interaction mechanism, and divides the teacher-student interaction mechanism of the university student theory community into: the motive mechanism, the operation mechanism and the regulation mechanism. From the perspective of "big classroom" and "resultant force" of ideological and political education, this paper puts forward that from the perspectives of teachers, students and society, we should make joint efforts to make benign interaction become the norm.


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