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发布时间:2018-06-05 16:15

  本文选题:大学生初次就业 + 就业质量 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the large-scale expansion of college enrollment, the number of graduates increased year by year, followed by the first employment of college students has become a very important social problem that can not be ignored. There are not only quantitative problems but also quality problems in the first employment of college students. Only by raising the degree of attention to the quality of employment to the same or even higher level as the quantity of employment, we can improve the quality of employment. Only in this way can the quality of life and happiness of college students be improved. Therefore, how to objectively evaluate the quality of college students' initial employment and construct an evaluation system that can measure the quality of the first employment of college graduates is of great practical significance to guide and evaluate the first employment of college graduates. On the basis of reading and combing the existing literature, this paper designs the connotation of college students' employment quality and the evaluation index system of college students' initial employment quality. This paper introduces some related concepts and theories, such as the evaluation method of college students' employment quality, and expounds the present situation and deficiency of the research in this field. This paper makes a feasibility analysis on the evaluation of college students' first employment quality from the perspective of labor relations, and applies Delphi's method to the empirical screening of the evaluation indexes from the perspective of labor relations. The evaluation index system of college students' initial employment quality is determined. Thirdly, according to the determined evaluation index system of college students' initial employment quality, the expert scoring method and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) are used to determine the weight. Finally, According to the designed evaluation index system, this paper designs the questionnaire to carry on the empirical investigation, through the data collection and the processing, carries on the appraisal to the university student's first employment quality level, the evaluation result shows that, The quality of the first employment of college students is in the state of moderate slight tendency. On the basis of synthesizing the relevant research on the evaluation index of college students' employment quality at home and abroad, using Delphi method and Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this paper constructs the evaluation index system of college students' initial employment from the angle of labor relations. And combined with questionnaires to evaluate the quality of college students' initial employment. The purpose of this paper is to make college students evaluate their own employment quality from the angle of labor relations. The research results can provide advice and suggestions for college students' employment choice and career planning.


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