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发布时间:2018-06-05 15:32

  本文选题:教育技术能力 + 建构主义 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:师范生教育技术能力是新时期教师职业专业化发展的重要能力之一,是教育改革和发展教师信息化教学能力的需要,也是促进教学质量提高和学生全面发展的一个重要手段。 西部地区师范生的教育技术能力的提高对西部地区教师队伍发展起着举足轻重的作用,它是西部地区教育质量提高的必要因素。由于我国西部地区经济落后,导致西部高校的师范生教育技术能力培养体系在教育投入、环境建设、师资等与东部地区差异显著。在客观现实条件下,如何缩短东西部地区师范生教育技术能力发展差距,弥补客观条件的不足,以促进西部地区师范生教育技术能力发展和西部地区教师队伍的专业化成长?我们认为,西部高校师范生教育技术能力的培养应从本地区的实际和学生工作需求出发,因地制宜,因材施教。 本文首先根据《标准》制定出调查问卷,,采用调查法和文献阅读法和访谈法调研获取了西部地区高师院校师范生教育技术能力现状的第一手资料(本研究中问卷调查对象“西部高校”均特指“西部高等师范院校”);再通过对收集到的资料进行分析,总结出西部地区师范生教育技术能力发展的现状。然后,再通过从课程开展的角度出发,深入分析导致师范生教育技术能力现状的培养体制方面的根源。最后,在调查研究与理论分析的基础上提出了完善西部高校师范生的教育技术能力培养体系的措施,并且通过教学实践活动实践自己的方案。 实践证明,要改革西部高师院校师范生现代教育技术能力发展现状,目前来说,改革现有教学模式是切实可行的措施。本文最后对整个研究过程进行了总结,提出了后续研究。
[Abstract]:The educational technology ability of normal school students is one of the important abilities of the professional development of teachers in the new period, and the need of educational reform and the development of teachers' information-based teaching ability. It is also an important means to promote the improvement of teaching quality and the all-round development of students. It is a necessary factor to improve the quality of education in the western region. Due to the economic backwardness in western China, there is a significant difference between the education input, environmental construction and teachers' training system between the western colleges and universities and the eastern region. Under the condition of objective reality, how to shorten the gap in the development of educational technology ability of normal students in the east and west regions, make up for the deficiency of the objective conditions, so as to promote the development of the educational technology ability of the normal students in the western region and the professional growth of the teachers' team in the western region? We think that the cultivation of the educational technical ability of normal college students in western China should be based on the actual situation and the needs of the students in this area, and should be adapted to local conditions and teaching according to their aptitudes. First of all, according to the "Standard", a questionnaire is drawn up in this paper. By using the methods of investigation, literature reading and interview, the author obtained first-hand information about the current situation of the educational technology ability of normal college students in the west of China. (in this study, the survey object "Western universities" refers specifically to "western higher education". Through the analysis of the data collected, This paper summarizes the current situation of the development of the educational technology ability of the normal students in the western region. Then, from the perspective of curriculum development, this paper deeply analyzes the root of the training system which leads to the present situation of the educational technical ability of normal college students. Finally, on the basis of investigation and theoretical analysis, the author puts forward some measures to improve the educational technology ability training system of normal college students in western China, and practice their own scheme through teaching practice. In order to reform the present situation of the development of the modern educational technology ability of the normal college students in the west of China, it is a feasible measure to reform the present teaching mode. At the end of this paper, the whole research process is summarized and further research is put forward.


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