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发布时间:2018-06-06 19:00

  本文选题:普通高校 + 国防教育 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工程大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:21世纪国际形势仍然瞬息万变,虽然和平与发展成为国际形势的主旋律已在世界各国达成共识,但世界各国之间的摩擦仍时有发生,我国的周边也存在着较多不安定因素。对大学生实施国防教育,能够帮助他们认识到国防教育是国家安全、领土完整统一、经济繁荣及国家富强的重要保障,能够提高大学生的爱国意识,使其自觉履行国防义务,积极主动地投入到国防建设中。 本论文探讨了加强建设普通高校国防教育育人体系的意义,对中外普通高校实施国防教育的情况进行了概述,借鉴其他国家的立法保障、专业师资队伍建设等先进经验,并结合我国国情,确定了我国普通高校国防教育的目标及定位,对我国普通高校国防教育育人体系的基本框架和体系的主要内容进行分析论述,从而提出了完善我国普通高校国防教育育人体系的构想。
[Abstract]:The international situation in the 21st century is still changing rapidly . Although peace and development have become the main theme of the international situation , the friction between the countries of the world has always occurred , and there are many unstable factors in the periphery of our country . It can help them to realize that national defense education is an important guarantee of national security , unity of territorial integrity , economic prosperity and strong national prosperity . It can improve the patriotic consciousness of college students and make them consciously fulfill their national defense obligations and actively participate in national defense construction .

This paper discusses the significance of strengthening the education system of national defense education in colleges and universities , and gives an overview of the implementation of national defense education in Chinese and foreign universities .


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