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发布时间:2018-06-08 23:15

  本文选题:山西高校 + 晋商精神 ; 参考:《山西农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:晋商在中国商业史上取得的辉煌成就,使学术界对晋商文化的关注度越来越高。在晋商文化研究的众多领域中,对晋商精神如何在教育领域传承这一方面的研究是较少涉猎的。本文以此为切入点,总结晋商精神的主要内容,说明在我省高校中进行晋商精神的现实意义,并对山西高校晋商精神教育现状进行调研和分析,针对调查中出现的相关问题提出对策。全文共分六个部分: 第一部分:绪论。说明国家大力提倡文化发展的背景下,晋商精神教育研究的现实意义;归纳出研究采用的方法;总结近十年晋商精神教育研究的理论成果,在分析研究的基础上指出研究中存在视野局限、内容不全、形式单一的不足;并把视野的独特性、研究内容的全面性、研究形式的多样化作为本文的创新处。 第二部分:对晋商、晋商精神、晋商精神教育相关概念进行定义;介绍晋商发展的主要历程;指明晋商精神的核心内容是:勤奋谨慎、勤俭节约,以义制利、义利并重,诚实守信、任人为贤,同舟共济、济世救人;说明我省高校进行晋商精神教育过程中具有遗址众多、故事流传广泛、研究成果集中的独特优势。 第三部分:从晋商精神对传承山西传统文化、深化山西高校思想政治教育、提升山西高校学生人文素养、加快中国梦实现四方面说明我省高校进行晋商精神教育有重要的现实意义。 第四部分:通过走访和问卷调查的方法,对山西8所高校有代表的高校进行晋商精神教育现状调研和分析;指出山西高校晋商精神教育存在的不足是由于学生对晋商精神的学习缺乏系统性、深刻性和自觉性;造成这种不足的原因是学校重视不够、宣传不到位、教学方式单一化、内涵发掘不够、社会资源利用不充分。 第五部分:提升晋商精神教育的对策。包括进行晋商精神教育的指导思想;在进行教育过程中要坚持正面引导的原则、坚持理论联系实际的原则、坚持发扬与摒弃的原则;在进行教育中采用营造校园氛围、开设专题研究、丰富授课形式、利用社会资源、坚持实践育人的方式。 第六部分:结语。纵观全文,进行总结,指出文章写作的不足和努力方向,希望能为山西高校晋商精神教育提供有益的理论指导和实践借鉴。
[Abstract]:The brilliant achievements of Shanxi merchants in the history of Chinese business make the academic circles pay more and more attention to the culture of Shanxi merchants. In many fields of Shanxi merchants' culture research, there is less research on how Shanxi merchants' spirit inherits in the field of education. This paper takes this as the starting point, summarizes the main contents of Shanxi Merchants' Spirit, explains the practical significance of Shanxi Merchants' Spirit in colleges and universities of our province, and investigates and analyzes the present situation of Shanxi's Shanxi University's Shanxi Merchants' Spirit Education. Put forward countermeasures to the related problems in the investigation. The full text is divided into six parts: the first part: introduction. It explains the realistic significance of the spiritual education research of Shanxi merchants under the background of promoting cultural development, summarizes the methods used in the research, summarizes the theoretical achievements of the spiritual education research of Shanxi merchants in the past ten years. On the basis of analysis and research, it is pointed out that there are limitations of visual field, incomplete content and single form in the study, and the uniqueness of the visual field and the comprehensiveness of the research content are taken into account. The second part: the definition of Shanxi merchants, Shanxi merchants spiritual education related concepts; introduce the main process of Shanxi merchants development; indicate that the core content of Shanxi merchants spirit is: diligence and caution, Diligence and thrift, justice and profit as well as justice and profit, honesty and trustworthiness, let people serve as sages, help the world and save the world, which shows that there are many ruins in the process of spiritual education of Shanxi businessmen in colleges and universities in our province, and stories are widely spread. The third part: from Shanxi Merchants Spirit to inherit Shanxi traditional culture, deepen the ideological and political education of Shanxi colleges and universities, improve the humanistic literacy of Shanxi university students. Speeding up the realization of Chinese Dream in four aspects shows that it is of great practical significance for colleges and universities in our province to carry out the spiritual education of Shanxi businessmen. Part four: through the method of visiting and questionnaire investigation, This paper investigates and analyzes the present situation of Shanxi Merchants' spiritual Education in 8 universities and colleges in Shanxi Province, points out that the deficiency of Shanxi University's Shanxi Merchants' spiritual Education is due to the students' lack of systematic, profound and self-conscious study of Shanxi Merchants' Spirit. The reasons for this deficiency are that the school does not pay enough attention to it, the propaganda is not in place, the teaching method is single, the connotation is not enough, and the social resources are not fully utilized. Part five: the countermeasures to promote the spiritual education of Shanxi merchants. Including the guiding ideology of spiritual education for Shanxi businessmen; in the process of education, we should adhere to the principle of positive guidance, adhere to the principle of integrating theory with practice, adhere to the principle of developing and abandoning, and adopt the construction of campus atmosphere in the course of education. Set up special research, enrich teaching form, utilize social resources, insist on practice and educate people. Part VI: conclusion. Throughout the full text, summarized, pointed out the lack of writing and the direction of efforts, hope to provide a useful theoretical guidance and practical reference for Shanxi colleges and universities Shanxi businessmen spirit education.


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