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发布时间:2018-06-08 23:04

  本文选题:中国 + 法学教育 ; 参考:《中国大学教学》2013年12期

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's higher law education has made considerable progress. The scale of legal education continues to expand, gradually changing from "meritocracy" to popular legal education system, and the position of legal science and the structure of graduate education are constantly adjusted, Gradually from the general education of law to the degree education of law specialty which meets the needs of society, the reform of law education has been pushed forward, and a multi-level and multi-type legal degree and talent training system has been formed. The curriculum of law major has become more and more perfect, all kinds of training programs and teaching methods have been immobilized and systematized, the investment in law education has increased rapidly, the infrastructure, the financial support and the teachers' strength have been greatly enhanced. The supply of legal theory and legal practice has increased exponentially and contributed greatly to the construction of the country's rule of law. However, with the development of the times and the change of reality, the law education in our country is facing both internal and external challenges.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;


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