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发布时间:2018-06-09 00:00

  本文选题:后现代主义思潮 + 现代性 ; 参考:《重庆交通大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以后现代主义思潮影响下的大学生思想政治教育为研究对象。后现代主义思潮,滥觞于20世纪中叶,从文学、艺术领域而逐步扩延至社会学、哲学等领域,并凭借着对支撑整个西方的现代性思想进行猛烈质疑与批判而震慑于西方思想界。在其进入中国文化场与中国教育进行思想互动和文化过滤中发生了一系列的教育文化折射和问题变形。作为对现代主义进行纠偏的后现代主义思潮是对现代主义的一种反思、解构和超越,但因其自身存在着的反传统、反理性、反基础、反本质,倡导多元性、差异性、不确定性等特点也容易使得当代大学生难以把握,容易在他们身上出现与中国教育精神相悖的现象。大学生是国家的宝贵人才资源,但在其思想活跃的同时也容易对后现代主义思潮的认识与把握产生片面化,价值判断主观失衡,并在现实生活中表现出一些极端的现象。因此,研究后现代主义思潮影响下的大学生思想政治教育实显必要。但由于后现代主义思潮本身的纷繁复杂特点又使得诸多将其与大学生思想政治教育进行合题研究的论著显得不够全面和深入。本文以西方的后现代主义思潮对中国大学生思想政治教育的影响作为研究对象,围绕着传统现代性思想与后现代主义思潮的关系、中国教育理论研究的纳受心向、后现代主义思潮在大学生思想政治教育理论研究内部的发展脉络,以及后现代主义思潮在与中国文化的互通中所展现的价值和消极影响等方面展开论述,目的是对后现代主义思潮在与中国教育的思想交流互动中所发生的一系列教育文化折射和问题变形进行探讨与研究,为后现代主义思潮影响之下的大学生思想政治教育寻找合理的对策措施。全文共分为四个章节: 第一章:本章首先从基础理论研究的角度出发,对与大学生思想政治教育相关的现代性概念和后现代主义概念进行界定,分析现代性特点和后现代主义的基本主题与精神气质,试图在同一语境下对后现代主义思潮进行探讨。 第二章:本章主要研究后现代主义思潮对大学生思想政治教育的影响。首先逐次分层地揭示当前我国大学生思想政治教育的现状和后现代主义思潮给大学生思想政治教育带来的方法论、目的论、管理论和课程观等四方面的影响,并对之进行利弊分析,宏观而系统地展现出后现代主义思潮在进入中国教育文化场后所发生的问题变形。 第三章:本章针对后现代主义思潮给大学生思想政治教育带来的影响,进一步从大学生自身所呈现出的哲学家的眼光、流浪者的思维和现代犬儒主义者的行为等特点,,中国传统文化和后现代主义思潮的暗合,高等教育环境的变迁以及后现代主义思潮自身的特点四个方面分析探究后现代主义思潮对大学生思想政治教育产生影响的原因。 第四章:本章主要在上述三章的基础上逻辑性地推衍出后现代主义思潮影响下的大学生思想政治教育的对策和措施,分别从坚持以人为本为原则的思想政治教育,坚持一元化为指导、多种社会思潮并存范式的思想政治教育以及坚持有限理性为过程的思想政治教育三方面展开论述。
[Abstract]:This article is the research object of the ideological and political education of College Students under the influence of the ideological trend of post-modernism. The postmodernist trend of thought originated in the middle of the twentieth Century, gradually expanded from literature and art to sociology, philosophy and other fields, and deter the western thought by means of fierce questioning and criticizing the modern thinking of the whole west. A series of educational cultural refractions and problems have taken place in the ideological interaction and cultural filtering of Chinese cultural field and Chinese education. As a postmodernism, a reflection on modernism is a reflection, deconstruction and Transcendence of modernism, but it has its own anti tradition, anti rationality, and counter basis for its own existence. Basic, anti essence, advocating diversity, diversity, uncertainty and other characteristics are easy to make contemporary college students difficult to grasp, easy to appear in their body with the Chinese education spirit is contrary to the phenomenon. College students are valuable resources of the state, but at the same time, it is easy to understand and grasp postmodernism. It is necessary to study the ideological and political education of College Students under the influence of postmodernism. However, because of the complex and complicated characteristics of postmodernism, many of them make a joint study on the ideological and political education of college students. The thesis is not comprehensive and deep. This paper focuses on the influence of western postmodernism on the ideological and political education of Chinese college students. It revolves around the relationship between the traditional thought of modernity and the trend of postmodernism, the study of Chinese education theory and the theory of Postmodernism in the ideological and political education theory of college students. The development of the internal development and the value and negative influence of Postmodernism in the intercommunication with Chinese culture are discussed. The purpose is to discuss and study a series of educational and cultural deformations and problems that have occurred in the exchange and interaction of Postmodernism in the exchange and interaction with Chinese education. The ideological and political education of College Students under the influence of modernism is to find reasonable countermeasures. The full text is divided into four chapters.
In the first chapter, this chapter first defines the concept of modernity and postmodernism related to the ideological and political education of college students, analyzes the characteristics of modernity and the basic themes and spirit of postmodernism, and tries to discuss the post modernist trend of thought in the same context.
The second chapter: this chapter mainly studies the influence of postmodernism on the ideological and political education of college students. First, it reveals the current situation of the ideological and political education of college students in China and the influence of postmodernism on the methodology of the ideological and political education of college students, the theory of teleology, the theory of management and the view of curriculum and so on, and the influence of postmodernism on the ideological and political education of college students in four aspects, and the influence of postmodernism on the ideological and political education of college students, and the influence of postmodernism on the ideological and political education of college students. It analyzes the pros and cons and reveals the problems of post-modernism in China's educational and cultural field.
The third chapter: this chapter aims at the influence of postmodernism on the ideological and political education of college students, further from the philosophers' eyes of the college students, the thinking of the Wanderers and the behavior of modern cynics, the combination of Chinese traditional culture and postmodernism, the change of the environment of higher education and the change of the environment of higher education and the change of the higher education environment. Four aspects of the characteristics of post-modernism are analyzed to explore the reasons for the impact of postmodernism on College Students' Ideological and political education.
The fourth chapter: on the basis of the above three chapters, this chapter deduces logically the countermeasures and measures of the ideological and political education of College Students under the influence of postmodernism, and from the ideological and political education that adheres to the principle of people-oriented, adheres to the unification of the monism as the guidance, and maintains the ideological and political education and adherence to the co-existence of various social thoughts and tides. Bounded rationality discusses three aspects of Ideological and political education in the process.


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1 刘振天;大学社会批判精神的源泉及当代境遇[J];北京大学教育评论;2003年03期

2 王岳川;后现代与当代中国思想的内在紧张[J];四川外语学院学报;2001年04期




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