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发布时间:2018-06-09 06:58

  本文选题:国际文凭项目 + 标准化管理 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在全球化和知识经济化的时代,教育在全球各国的议事日程上越发显眼,各种教育模式风起云涌,各有所长,国际文凭项目正是其中耀眼的一员。 国际文凭项目起源于20世纪60年代,短短四十多年的时间里足迹遍布全球140多个国家和地区,被包括哈佛、牛津在内的全球3000多所高校认可,它的项目也从原来仅有大学预科项目,,扩展到四个项目:大学预科项目、中学项目、小学项目、职业教育项目。国际文凭项目为什么能在这么短的时间获得教育界各方认可,它如何管理遍布全球的众多学校?又是怎样做到教学成果质量的高信度、高效度? 标准化管理起源于企业界,在20世纪80年代被教育界引用,它旨在借鉴企业标准化管理有序、统一、高效的管理方式,以改进教育管理的效率,提高教学质量。 本文通过综合运用文献法、描述法、个案法等研究方法,搜集大量事实材料和国际文凭项目的各项规章制度、指导文件及各种实施标准,从中选取了申请学校流程、课程、学生评价及工作人员这四个方面来探究国际文凭项目的管理运作。 本论文分为五个部分。 第一部分主要介绍国际文凭项目标准化管理的理论基础,它的理论基础包括全面质量管理理论和标准化管理理论。 第二部分是国际文凭项目及其组织结构的简介,该部分从国际文凭项目的课程和评价两方面简单介绍了国际文凭项目,详细描述了国际文凭项目的组织结构和各个岗位的工作职责,并对其组织结构的特点进行了简要分析。 第三部分是国际文凭项目标准化管理的运作,该部分详细介绍了以下四个方面:参与学校的申请流程和国际文凭组织的审查、认证,课程的设置及课程开发、修订;学生评价的外部评价和内部评价的程序;教师及其他工作人员的招聘、培训等。在其中结合具体学科,引用国际文凭项目的指导文件和实施标准,来阐述它标准化管理的运作。 第四部分是国际文凭项目标准化管理实施的保障,该部分结合具体学科从规章制度和指导文件,外部监督和内部反馈,工作人员和奖惩措施等方面介绍国际文凭项目标准化管理实施的保障。 第五部分是对我国的启示。 本论文通过对国际文凭项目的研究,认为标准化的管理渗透在它各个层面里,正是标准化管理促进了国际文凭项目的高信度和高效度,标准化的管理改进了教育管理的效率,进而提高了教学质量。 由于笔者水平有限,论文中难免有疏漏之处,请各位老师指导、斧正。
[Abstract]:In the era of globalization and knowledge-based economy, education has become more and more prominent on the agenda of countries all over the world. The International Diploma Program, which originated in the 1960s, has a footprint of more than 140 countries and regions around the world, including Harvard, in just over 40 years. More than 3000 universities around the world, including Oxford, have expanded their programs from only pre-university programs to four: pre-university, secondary, primary and vocational. How did the International Diploma Program manage so many schools around the world in such a short time that it was recognized by the education community? And how to achieve the high degree of confidence and efficiency of the quality of teaching results? the standardized management originated from the business community and was cited by the educational circles in the 1980s. It aims at drawing lessons from the orderly, unified and efficient management methods of the enterprise standardization management. In order to improve the efficiency of educational management and improve the teaching quality, this paper collects a large amount of factual materials and the rules and regulations of the international diploma project through the comprehensive use of literature, description and case study methods. Guidance documents and various implementation standards, selected from the application school process, curriculum, This paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces the theoretical basis of standardized management of international diploma projects. Its theoretical basis includes TQM theory and standardized management theory. The second part is an introduction to the International Diploma Program and its organizational structure, which provides a brief introduction to the International Diploma Program from both the curriculum and the evaluation aspects of the International Diploma Program. This paper describes the organizational structure of the International Diploma Program and the job responsibilities of each post in detail, and makes a brief analysis of the characteristics of the organizational structure. The third part is the operation of standardized management of the International Diploma Program. This part introduces the following four aspects in detail: participation in the application process of the school and the examination of the international diploma organization, certification, curriculum setting and curriculum development, revision, external evaluation and internal evaluation procedures of student evaluation; Teachers and other staff recruitment, training, etc. The fourth part is the guarantee of the implementation of the standardized management of the international diploma project, by referring to the guidance documents and implementation standards of the international diploma project, in which the operation of its standardization management is expounded, the fourth part of which is the guarantee of the implementation of the standardized management of the international diploma project. This section combines disciplines from regulatory and guidance documents, external oversight and internal feedback, The fifth part is the enlightenment to our country. Through the research of the international diploma project, this paper thinks that the standardized management permeates in its various levels. It is the standardization management that promotes the high degree of confidence and efficiency of the international diploma project, and the standardized management improves the efficiency of the education management, and then improves the teaching quality. Please ask the teachers to guide, Axe Zhengzheng.


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