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发布时间:2018-06-09 17:18

  本文选题:网络培训系统 + 高校教师 ; 参考:《中国高等教育》2013年Z3期

[Abstract]:With the development of higher education connotation, colleges and universities generally regard the improvement of quality as the most important and urgent task of educational reform and development. To improve the quality of education, the key is to improve the quality of teachers. It is an inevitable choice to strengthen teacher training and enhance teachers' moral literacy and professional ability. Developing network training under the background of educational informatization is a new exploration and practice of teacher training in colleges and universities. It is also a new mode and a new way to promote the development of teachers' specialization. First, network training is an important way to train teachers on a large scale in recent years. With the development, popularization and popularization of Internet technology, network-based training has been paid more and more attention and application. Network training through the use of modern computer networks and multimedia technology, with the help of satellite transmission networks, telecommunications
【作者单位】: 高等教育出版社;全国高校教师网络培训中心;


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8 王玉s,




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