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发布时间:2018-06-10 18:30

  本文选题:高校 + 学生工作辅导员 ; 参考:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:知识经济时代,高等教育事业步入了大众教育和素质教育并重的全新时期,一种新型的教育观和人才观应运而生,高校的人才培养目标从帮助学生汲取知识、陶冶情操上升到了培养能力、发展个性的更高阶段。独立学院作为我国高等教育的新兴力量,是我国高等教育不可或缺的一部分,发展初期它不断表现出强有力的生命力,但随着学校规模的扩大,学生人数的增加,独立学院也正陷入一系列管理和继续发展的困境。在此背景之下,本文以JZ科院这所独立学院为研究对象,分析该学院对学生工作辅导员(以下简称辅导员)这一人力资源的管理现状,发现:JZ科院建校较晚,发展速度快,JZ科院的辅导员绩效管理体系跟不上学院整体发展的需要,绩效管理制度、绩效考评指标及考评主体对绩效管理的认知都很不成熟,因此本文从JZ科院学生工作管理出发,进行辅导员岗位职责分析,运用KPI法调查确定考评的关键指标,从硬指标即工作业绩,软指标即工作能力和工作态度三个维度,建立辅导员绩效考核体系和相应的绩效考核方法。构建了JZ科院辅导员绩效管理体系,提出辅导员绩效考核体系实施的保障措施。 本文研究内容由六章构成,第一章阐述了研究主要内容、思路、方法,提出研究的背景、目的、意义;第二章对绩效、绩效管理等相关理论以及绩效管理的流程和方法进行了综述,为下文的研究提供理论支撑;第三章分析了JZ科院辅导员管理现状、分析了目前辅导员绩效管理工作存在的问题及原因;第四章运用KPI法确定了辅导员绩效考核指标,第五章完成了绩效考核管理体系构建与实施,对辅导员的工作进行绩效考核,而且针对绩效考核管理体系的开展工作进行了分析;第六章结论与展望,对本研究主要观点进行了总结,并对研究中存在的不足及未来研究方向进行了阐述。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, the cause of higher education has stepped into a new period of equal emphasis on mass education and quality education. A new concept of education and talent has emerged as the times require. The goal of talent training in colleges and universities is to draw knowledge from helping students. Edify sentiment rises to cultivate ability, the higher stage that develops individual character. As a new force of higher education in our country, independent college is an indispensable part of higher education in our country. At the beginning of its development, it has continuously shown strong vitality, but with the expansion of the scale of the school, the number of students has increased. Independent colleges are also in a series of management and continued development dilemma. Under this background, this paper takes JZ Institute as the research object, analyzes the present situation of the college's management of student work counselors (hereinafter referred to as counselors), and finds out that the school was established later in the year. The performance management system of JZ Institute can not keep up with the needs of the whole development of the college. The performance management system, performance evaluation index and the main body's cognition of performance management are all immature. Therefore, starting from the student work management in JZ College, this paper analyzes the job responsibilities of counselors, and makes use of the KPI method to investigate and determine the key indicators of evaluation, from the three dimensions of hard index namely job performance, soft index that is work ability and work attitude. Set up the instructor performance appraisal system and the corresponding performance appraisal method. This paper constructs the performance management system of counselors in JZ Academy of Science, and puts forward the guarantee measures for the implementation of the performance appraisal system of counselors. The research content of this paper is composed of six chapters. The first chapter expounds the main contents, ideas, methods, background and purpose of the research. The second chapter summarizes the performance, performance management and other related theories, as well as the process and methods of performance management, which provides theoretical support for the following research. Chapter three analyzes the current situation of the management of counselors in JZ College. The fourth chapter uses KPI method to determine the performance evaluation index of counselors, the fifth chapter completes the construction and implementation of the performance appraisal management system, and carries on the performance appraisal to the counselors' work, the fourth chapter uses the KPI method to determine the counselors' performance appraisal index, the fifth chapter has completed the construction and the implementation of the performance appraisal management system, And the performance appraisal management system is analyzed. Chapter VI conclusions and prospects, the main points of this study are summarized, and the shortcomings of the study and the future direction of research are expounded.


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1 邹均;职业化背景下民办高校辅导员绩效管理研究[D];重庆理工大学;2015年

2 王苏南;基于多任务委托代理的高校兼职辅导员绩效管理研究[D];北京化工大学;2014年




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