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发布时间:2018-06-10 18:31

  本文选题:蔡元培 + 管理艺术 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:蔡元培是开创中国现代教育的先驱之一,毛泽东称之为“学界泰斗,人世楷模”。蔡元培改革北京大学之举,有力地推动了近代中国高等教育的发展。他一扫北京大学浓厚的官僚习气,将之改造为焕然一新的中国最高学府,使之成为新思想发源地、新文化运动的摇篮和中心,对中国的思想、政治和文化领域有着不可估量的影响和贡献。蔡元培的大学改革思想和管理艺术给后世留下了一笔宝贵的财富。今天大学的三大重任是培养高级专门人才、发展科技文化和服务社会。大学校长是大学的行政首脑,是大学的管理者和领导者。大学校长管理艺术的高低,对于大学改革和发展起着决定性作用。 本文共三个部分:第一部分为概念界定,阐述管理和管理艺术的定义并分析了管理艺术的几大特点,为下文探讨分析蔡元培的管理艺术奠定了基础;第二部分分析概括了蔡元培的大学管理艺术的渊源和内涵,为本文的主要部分;第三部分为蔡元培大学管理艺术对当下大学校长的启示,以期建设社会主义新大学。 本文所采取的研究方法为文献研究法、历史研究法、比较研究法,通过对现有资料的收集、归纳和总结,最后得出结论。本文的创新点有二:首先,从蔡元培的角度探讨高效的大学管理艺术。其次,蔡元培的大学管理艺术可以为当下大学校长的管理工作提供有益经验。
[Abstract]:Cai Yuanpei is one of the pioneers of modern education in China. Mao Zedong calls it "the academic world model." The reform of Peking University by Cai Yuanpei promoted the development of higher education in modern China. As soon as he swept through Peking University's strong bureaucratic habits, he transformed it into a completely new Chinese highest institution of learning, making it the birthplace of new ideas, the cradle and center of the new cultural movement, and the thought of China. The political and cultural fields have incalculable influence and contribution. Cai Yuanpei's idea of university reform and the art of management left a valuable fortune for later generations. Today, the three major tasks of the university are to train senior professionals, develop science and technology culture and serve the society. The president of a university is the executive head of the university and is the administrator and leader of the university. The management art of the university president plays a decisive role in the reform and development of the university. This paper consists of three parts: the first part is the definition of the concept, the definition of the management and management art, and the analysis of several characteristics of the management art. The second part summarizes the origin and connotation of the university management art of Cai Yuanpei, which is the main part of this paper. The third part is the inspiration of the management art of Cai Yuanpei University to the current university presidents, with a view to building a new socialist university. The research methods adopted in this paper are literature research, historical research, comparative research, and the collection of existing materials. Finally, the conclusion is drawn. There are two innovations in this paper: first, from the perspective of Cai Yuanpei to explore the art of effective university management. Secondly, Cai Yuanpei's art of university management can provide useful experience for the management of current university presidents.


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1 张志平;管理者管理艺术研究[D];华中师范大学;2004年




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